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Everything posted by Drone

  1. I know people write disgusting things on Facebook alchresearch But don't you think the police have better things to do?
  2. What did he say? Or rather what did he type, why didn't he just blame his dog instead
  3. Apparently Boris has rock star status...who said that? They not going on his haircut are they?
  4. Well there is no rules to break is they? But dogs have to be house trained to claim membership
  5. Zuckerberg doesn't have any rules, that's why you have facebook
  6. I think he was more likely a zuckerberg recruit He seems to want to be the next hitler but with a different agenda
  7. I think I just may as well follow budda SIGN ME UP!!
  8. It just gets dumber this country Apparently now kids over 16 should only watch 2 hours of tv a day
  9. It's because check outs get engaged with conversations with customers about how their day has been, that's all
  10. Anyway ya ever noticed that all these muslim leaders justify suicide bombings but never actually do it themselves? Or is it just me?
  11. I'm not being funny but the jews do want to control the world and they created all qaeda to do it
  12. Islam was there, it's just that they couldn't read or write But Yeh Islam have borrowed religions to justify people to go and blow themselves up Its run by clerics like Hamza who just tell them anything to get the jews
  13. Budda says if you follow his teachings then you will receive erm what was it nabbina? How do you know if you follow his teachings you will get is it nabbina? Apparently budda said he went there right?
  14. Islam was the first religion, no doubt about that, it was the jews who went off on their own and changed it Buddhism is full of contradictions richard
  15. Anyway rupert, you will find out soon enough so if I was you then I would join harley down at gym and ya can back him when he submits his evidence if ya want Harley might be things but he ain't daft
  16. I say nothing? ... What do you say rupert?.. I would love to know
  17. Well I have said what I have said and if you don't believe that then ya ain't believe anything else I'll tell ya what though, budda was a clever guy or your just an idiot
  18. Show me what you know, ya know nothing just like ya know nothing
  19. How to behave in battle, what do you think their doing? Playing cards?...jesus christ
  20. Harley knows what's going on, he just has a task of trying to convince big bill It's not a task I would look forward too, have ya seen how he reacts when you say the American government are terrorists
  21. Well let's go through budda again then I came to the conclusion budda was lying because he were He says you can go on other people's teachings as long as they involve his Now the reason why you didn't win the debate with me was because you was being lied to I gave you evidence and you didn't accept it Why don't ya try another religion instead because ya wasting your time with budda, his teachings are pointless, you even showed it And now your telling me mohammad was a great guy, come off it, he was trolling
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