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Everything posted by SafetyPin

  1. Hi, I've a pile of timber that I'm sure someone would find useful - there's 19 lengths, between 5ft and 8ft (mostly around 6-7ft), 2.75" x 1.75" in cross-section. Needs to be de-nailed. Free to a good home. I'm on the manor allotments. PM me if you're interested. Rosie pictures: http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a231/safetypingirl/for%20sale/DSCF4032.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a231/safetypingirl/for%20sale/DSCF4031.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a231/safetypingirl/for%20sale/DSCF4030.jpg
  2. I've a few pots of chives from thinning out my plants earlier this year. Very hardy stuff and will require little maintenance! PM me if interested.
  3. Hi, I have a pile of pallets and some plastic beer bottle crates on my allotment that I was going to use for a project but just haven't had time. I'll be leaving Sheffield (and my allotment) later this year so will need to get rid of them before I move on. If anyone is interested in taking them off my hands please PM me. Rosie
  4. Hi, I have about 6 pallets in my outhouse (S6 area) that I need taken away and thought someone on this forum *might* just find a use for them various sizes, 3 of them have board on the tops. Collected for a project that I'll never get around to finishing so someone else should have them. PM me for address if interested. I also have a massive stack of plastic pots that are free to a good home. Rosie
  5. Hi Tom, I'm also a Sheffield Masters student (Landscape Architecture), have my own allotment, have been growing my own for years and have already written a dissertation on urban food growing schemes (allotments, community gardens etc). Feel free to PM me and get in touch, I can't spare vast amounts of time but I'd be glad to be involved. Rosie
  6. That's probably the abundance project (http://www.growsheffield.com/pages/groShefAbund.html). ... ... ...by the way I love pears and would be very happy to come and relieve you of some (although I don't have a ladder and am only small so may not be able to get to many of them)
  7. Hi all, I'm not sure if anyone has already posted this (did have brief look but found nowt matching) but I was driving down broad lane yesterday and there is a black & white cat lying in the roundabout at the Broad Lane/ Hawley street junction. I didn't get a good look but it appeared to be a black and white cat (more white than black), I am guessing the poor thing was run over there and managed to get itself onto the roundabout before giving up. Really sorry to be the bearer of bad news - this upset me quite a bit but I thought I should post here anyway. Rosie
  8. Hi, I get a "no thread specified" message when i click on this. How much are you asking and is there any chance you could deliver?
  9. Yeah, I came her as an undergrad in 2001. Was away last year and now back again, so spent the last 9/10 years in Sheff may well be ready for a change by the end of this stretch although I am very fond of the place
  10. Ooo....bonfire! That sounds fun If it *ever* gets dry enough to have one I may change my mind about the black bags. Have been shaking the soil off the roots and picking the little root-bits out of the debris too so trying not to waste too much soil (it's really good soil, the worms are almost the same size as me!). Currently sourcing the cheapest half-decent weed-control fabric I can get...
  11. As for the weed clear: I'm going to try digging it and see how that goes. I'd rather not use weedkiller if possible (tho I'm not going to be strictly organic or owt like that). I'm doing postgrad.study at Sheff uni so may potentially only be here (Sheffield) for two years; for this to be worth my while I want at least part of it productive this summer. Although I've never had an allotment before I've been into gardening for the last 13 years (since age 15) and have dealt with weed-infestations that propagate by little bits of broken roots in the soil so I have a fairly good idea of what I'm letting myself in for. Just not used to it at this scale (yet).
  12. Well, I managed to thoroughly clear a bed roughly 10sq.m on my own the other day (I'm small and slightly built) and plan on getting in hired muscle (i.e. bribe friends with roast dinner, give them a spade, etc). The allotment (of doom, naturally) before work started: Becky B: Hey, at least if it's in a stack it's all in one big pile and can be bagged up of smothered in black plastic until rotted. I'm big on the positive thinking approach (am getting bored of people going "ooh you've got your work cut out...." as if I've never seen a weed before)
  13. So, I've got onto my *nice* new allotment and figured out it's about 110% couch grass. With some docks (ok, many docks). I've dug over one bed-sized patch and am going to go onto the next as soon as the weather stops doing it's usual thing. But I wanted to ask: Do I have to dig it all? The WHOLE plot? Can I leave the paths or is this a bad idea (I suspect the answer is "yes")? One of my neighbouring plots is nowt but docks and couchgrass and looks unlikely to become anything more anytime soon so I'd have it creeping in at the sides anyway. I am DETERMINED to have part of the plot up and running this season. So far I'm going through it thoroughly little by little and making sure I stuff the roots in black bags and leave to rot in a corner for a good long time. ...er...help...?
  14. Hi, I'd really like to get hold of some manure for my allotment (the manor) but have no car. Is anyone planning a trip to collect some of this poo that would be happy to ferry me&bags in return for some petrol £? Would be very grateful...
  15. have now accepted offer of the plot and will be on there as soon as I get the agreement signed/keys in my hands...
  16. I've overwintered chillies for a couple of years now - just came back from a fortnight away to find my scotch bonnet had produced fruit(!). I've always kept them inside for the winter but it's worth trying and not just throwing the old plants away - I find second year chilli plants produce earlier, for a longer period and have a higher yield. Win-win!
  17. Hi all, I've just been offered plot #58 at manor allotments and am keen to get going. I wanted to ask you lot (i.e people who have plots there) what the Manor site was like? Been gardening since I was 15 and never had my own allotment so am quite happy to have gotten a space (only taken me 13 years!), although I'm half expecting it to be weed 'n' bramble armageddon when I actually get on site... Rosie
  18. I've been bell dancing for almost a year and am now at the stage where I really want to go more than once a week as this just isn't enough. I train with Boomshanka tribal (Meersbrook) who are brilliant but I'd really like something closer to home (which for me would be in the Upperthorpe/Walkley/Hillsborough area). I'm on the waiting list for the classes at Hillsborough Leisure centre but am bored of waiting for spaces to become available. Help and advice please!
  19. Hi, the brother of one of my friends owns a kennels out near worksop (about an hour by car) and they have the cutest tabby and white kitten. She's about 7 months old and is really affectionate, I have photos and videos I took on my phone if you're interested PM me your e-mail address. She's an absolute sweetheart. The name of the kennels is Carlton forest kennels: http://www.rateakennel.co.uk/kennel_map.php?item_id=807
  20. I'm looking for somewhere I can buy a kaffir lime tree from. I don't ideally want to go online as I'd like to get one from a shop myself (posting does bad things to a lot of plants and I'd like to avoid it if possible). Can anyone give me some pointers? If I can't get a plant I'm thinking a set of seeds/pot/mini bag of compost might be a good idea!
  21. This is a bag I made as a sort of half-joke for my friend Vicky, who is currently teaching English in Japan: http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a231/safetypingirl/home%20made/pantsbag.jpg I'd assumed she'd liked it as an object of mirth, but then got an email saying how many people had said nice things about it when she wore it out. Was really nice to hear
  22. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a231/safetypingirl/home%20made/cowchair2.jpg cow chair
  23. 'Lo. I am currently covering the cushion of my friend's kitchen stool in zebra fabric and adding ears and a tail. It just has to go on the legs now. Rather childish I know but funny in a daft way. My friend asked me to make her one after she saw what I'd done to my desk chair (it has cow hair and horns. No udder). Will get photos up sometime so people can admire/ridicule (delete as appropriate).
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