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Everything posted by chattajobman

  1. Hi, have you tried talking to your doctor, they may be able to recommend someone or even refer your friend to a counsellor. The other option is to find a private counsellor, this is a quick option. Good Luck!
  2. Me and my wife had the same problem about 3 years ago, and i know what a pain this problem can be, other the posting sleeping pills through the letter box for the dog there is'ant a lot you can do, you can keep and log of them. but the police can do very little. still wealth giving them a call. and making her know that there is a problem i really hope you get a good ending to this. and don't let it get between you both, its better to get some earplugs then that. good luck
  3. the best place to find out is on Parkway Ave cross the road from MKM building centre. always gave me the best price good luck
  4. The time has come when my little girl whats to go to a football game, and knowing my little girl the first one she will go to will be the one she follows for life. I myself have never been in to football but my girl love the sport even at the age of only 6. So my big Question is should i take her to the owls or the blades, they both seem to have there good points and there bad points and to tell you the truth i just don't no or if it really make a difference ether way, i am dad and the chose is i guess mine. thanks to all sorry if this opens a can-of-worms
  5. thanks l will have a good look at them with my girls.. saw you violin solo jack very good. many thanks again.
  6. i'm looking for a friendly's camp site to go too for the first time, just trying to plan the summer break with my 2 girls. thanks for the help.
  7. The guy at blockbuster drop this one into my hand as a must see. WARRIOR 9.1/2 The youngest son of an alcoholic former boxer returns home, where he's trained by his father for competition in a mixed martial arts tournament - a path that puts the fighter on a collision corner with his older brother. GREAT FILM......ENJOY
  8. The British heart foundation are also in Meadow Hall all today collecting, so if your down their keep an eye out for them. keep up the great work BHF
  9. hi there (sharpend) the campaign we are running with is on the Facebook site, its a little bit apart from our site, its not all about the job, more about the journey. hope you like it. many thanks jonathan
  10. We have just started a new little campaign on facebook, to get the people that use us and follow us a bit more hope in there hunt for employment, we have started by taking photos of the people of Sheffield in support. But we would love the support of the local business commonalty to get behind by having photos done in the same manner. many thanks to all, any feedback is great. Jonathan
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