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Everything posted by treadol

  1. Think you have to use the full Aero theme. If your PC can run it why not use Aero? The classic theme is really dated now.
  2. I don't know whether the same applies in UK law (probably not) but in the US transformative use is fair use.
  3. When I bought my house 10 years ago I budgeted for interest rates of 12%. The low rates of the last few years have allowed me to bring the outstanding balance down and I know I can afford to keep up the repayments if the interest rate goes up again.
  4. +1 The last of those being the most important!
  5. I like Google+ but as others have said it needs more people. The privacy controls are good, and easy to use.
  6. Facebook has some strange policies. They outsource their moderating and the guidelines seem to be pretty strict for some things and not at all for others. He only thing that seems to get them to deal with cyber bullying is bad publicity.
  7. Will they be able to? Once it's opened up to EU competition law I'm not sure it can be put back to how it was.
  8. I think they'd look at how you could cope and whether you have the space, not a set number of kids. It's what's best for the kid/s.
  9. Are you sure there's nothing plugged into it? I had a panic with mine before I realised my phone was plugged in for charging.
  10. I'm hoping Jackson will do 3D well, there are too many directors using 3D as a gimmick instead of good storytelling.
  11. Good point, I upgraded to 7 and couldn't use a whole raft of program's. Cost me a fortune to upgrade software.
  12. How do you know photographers don't have children of their own? I do hope you're trolling. Do you honestly think that someone having their own kids magically prevents them being paedos? You may want to have a look at the NSPCC site and get the facts about sexual abuse - your kids are statistically in far more danger from you than they are from a stranger taking a photo of them.
  13. I doubt very much that I could give you a kicking. You, on the other hand, seem - going by your posts here - to be prepared to beat up a woman.
  14. Agreed. Teachers should be assessed on their ability to teach, not their ability to do paperwork.
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