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About alrockman

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  1. I agree I couldn’t imagine my Friday and Saturday night dinner always being fish and chips, I want curry, Chinese food, pizza and kebab. turnip and dandelion broth:gag:
  2. I can still get them 125% loans cos I work for a bank, we save the best deals our selves, but don't tell anyone or all the stupid customers will want one.
  3. I thought it was liveing within our means that’s got us in this mess; everyone had a job and loads of money when we all spent more than we had, we just need labour back in to print some more money.
  4. You never heard of buying something on the tick, that’s my deposit.
  5. :D I'm well happy £160,000 bonus and less tax to pay to keep the scroungers.:hihi:
  6. I see talking to you is pointless. This is the posts you responded to by picking fault with it. So I re-worded it just for you. The red part is the question, you responded with this gibberish
  7. Try the council. Dealing With Domestic Noise Nuisance sheffield council http://www.rotherham.gov.uk/info/200040/environmental_health/1522/noise/1 http://local.direct.gov.uk/LDGRedirect/MapLocationSearch.do?LGSL=412&LGIL=0&auth=268&map=4-x
  8. This sums it up nicely, it depends on the circumstances, in my property I would assume my family was at risk so would use maximum force to make sure the intruder could not get back up and have another go, if it kills them tuff. You may only get one chance to put them down and if your first opportunity doesn’t do the trick it could be you and your family dead.
  9. This is the national anthem with the bits deleted that I disagree with or don’t understand. I’m an atheist so God can’t do anything. Save the Queen Why the queen and not every one else save our Queen, Long live our Queen, Why the queen and not everyone else save the Quee! save the Queen! save the Queen! save the Queen! save the Queen! Long may she reign! Why what does she do May she defend our laws, that’s the governments job save the Queen!
  10. That’s an uncanny gift you have, being able to decide what another person can or cannot understand and without even seeing the person. Maybe you should work for the security forces because mindreading would certainly help in the fight against terrorists. Fortunately I no longer have to make those decisions and I won’t condemn the acts of those that do until someone comes up with a better way of stopping terrorists, and as you still haven’t answered my question I imagine you don’t know a better way to stop a terrorist blowing a bus full of innocent people up.
  11. I asked the questions and you ranted incoherently. This is the question you answered with your incoherent rant.
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