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Everything posted by spiderweb

  1. try ebay.or salvage..stolen recoverd...of the net..like universal salvage or @mick flyns place....or look in yellow pages for bike breakers and get a deal m8
  2. how much does he charge...as iv a doo coming up soon..sounds good
  3. been in both mmmmmm will have to call in again.......
  4. baines back of the cathedral...or attercliffe road opposit the car panel place body car..by the trafic lights.they fixed my nans georgian silver verge pocket watch
  5. 86p so thats nearly 12 pints @ £10...cheeper than netto...ill have some o that
  6. wardsend cemetry.....was in the other day and the grey lady was about on the black bridge...........
  7. yes he was a sweet old guy wi his m8s talking about the war and how its not the same as now.working 18 hour shifts down in the basin.load in em up.and get hit with some stuff called shrapnell could be a polish drink like vodka.and black market.at night as no lights ..bombers as big a seaguls.and trams like trains whent their...
  8. yes chippys are best for info.just after 10.30 at night m8..you learn every thing and have a sing song too.....roll out the barrel and on mother kellys door step.is good old chippy tune.......
  9. yes he sings in the red lion saturdays nights.....
  10. what year was that.....i dint hav much english at our school..it was tech stuff divvy
  11. chips was mmmmrealy nice tho wi salt n vinigar..fish was so so ...so what you think m8...
  12. so the old guy was right then they was in sheffield in 1943..thanx ill text my mate as shes a teacher you know....in history 1st year....
  13. so was the uboats in sheffield as no one knows iv text my mum and she says its not germans its hermans that was a 60s pop group..as shes into old songs.and she duna know either..do u as im confused at the mo....
  14. dint do any history just culture and maths.so who was germans.was they a pop group of the 60s
  15. last night my mate and me was told of stories while waiting in the chip shop .this old guy was telling us about the war ,where uboats came up the canal in town to refuel..as a lad he would help load them up and you dont see it now adays..im not old enough to know so can any one tell me more about sheffield and the uboats in town....do they still come to sheffield or what.plz any info.....
  16. iv just ran my cold water and theirs a sludgy brown stuff comming out of my mums taps and it smells bad..what do i do....
  17. i keep asking where abouts is their place.....i can not find it can any one tell me plz
  18. yes now the pump prices are hitting our pockets..my car insurance i recived today as gone up by £300 was £645.now its £988.99 with the vat....vat has not made it double but its not helped......this goverment is robin us blind....................:rant:
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