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Everything posted by Petergillett

  1. Eight Deadly Words entered "2 Weeks 2 Make It" this year. It's a competition run by Rob Speranza / SYFN that randomly puts 20 bands with 20 film production teams, and gives you two weeks to concept / film / edit a music video. It's a year off the next competition as this one has just finished, but I encourage any of the bands to join The South Yorkshire Filmmakers Network (https://www.facebook.com/groups/216910745095644/) so that you know about it for the future. It's a great opportunity. If you're prepared to put the time in (everybody provides services for free / or at cost if necessary) you can get a really good result. Don't message me about the entry etc. - I'm nothing to do with the SYFN or the competition! We didn't win, but still ended up with this great video!
  2. Hi, We're in the process of filming a music video for a competition. We desperately need a industrial / factory style location that we could film in on Friday (20th) evening. If you have somewhere that you would be prepared to let us use, please get in touch. Thanks
  3. Bump - searching again. Get in touch if interested.
  4. New vocalist wanted for band. Lot's of existing material, so gig ready as soon as you are! Sample vocals etc. - . Ignore the request for female, we are open to male or female vocalists - the advert is a bit old! Can supply studio sample tracks, backing tracks to help learn/practice, etc. Take a look and get in touch if this is for you!
  5. Eight Deadly Words are looking for a female singer / songwriter. We're a relaxed, but committed band with plenty of writing, recording and gig experience. Lots of current songs to get started with, and lots more ideas to be involved with to whatever level you are comfortable with, but preferably able to write own lyrics. Check out our YouTube and Facebook pages, and drop us a message if this is for you.
  6. Looking forward to this evening! Is the weather kind enough for the outdoor stage?
  7. If you use drum loop samples Reaper will happily temp match / time stretch them to fit whatever you're working on. It will obviously handle midi drum loops, but you'll need a virtual instrument (or a midi drum machine) to play the sounds. Depends what you're looking for soundwise, but by "drum loops" are you thinking electronic based? There's free 808 type VSTs kicking around that you can used in Reaper. If you've got samples, Reaper has a built in sample player.
  8. Reaper - well worth the $60! Everything on http://www.petergillett.co.uk/musicmp3.htm (except some of the drums) was done on Reaper. Guitars / bass / vocals recorded dry on an M-Audio FastTrack Pro USB interface. Drums on most of the tracks were recorded at "Rec and Play" and transferred dry into Reaper. Drums on Falling and Addicted to Chaos are ToonTrack programmed from Reaper. Mixed and mastered on Reaper - most of the FX plugins were free!
  9. The gig on the 15th is with Seventh Son and Nightvision.
  10. Hey, I'm going to be there too.... strangely enough!
  11. Just checked your site - very cool! I'm also in Eight Deadly Words. We've got a few tracks with some ideas for videos, but unfortunately budget doesn't stretch at the moment. However, if you fancy doing something fun, and want a female fronted rock/metal band to work with, who are open to ideas that you may have, we'd certainly be interested. This is us on self made videos - www.youtube.com/eightdeadlywords
  12. What do you want tips with? How to record? How to use the software? How to get a good sound?
  13. Wavelength is only just out of city centre, about 100 metres down London Road. I guess they sell drumsticks?
  14. We've found a vocalist. Thanks to all who pm'd regarding this. Good to see that there are plenty of people still wanting to front metal bands! Rock on!
  15. We're a newly formed metal band. Two guitarists, bass and drummer - all played for years and been in other originals and covers bands (2 previously signed and some great gigs). The intention is to write predominantly heavy riff based tracks, with backing in the style of Metallica / Disturbed / nu-metal (all in drop D), but not to be a "one trick pony" so there will be a bit of diversity for lighter tracks. For vocals we require someone to sing with plenty of power, but no screaming or growling! Think good 80's rock band vocalist. It might be the age and growing up on 80's metal - we love the meaty heavy sound of the current metal genre, but don't like the screaming and growling that seems to go with it! Ideally would need to be able to write lyrics. If you can contribute to song-writing that would be great, but vocal melodies will be written for you if you can't. If you've got you're own gear, even better. Not too worried about age, but as a guide we are 23 to 39. We have a permanent practice room. We intend to write a full albums worth of material, go out and gig it, then record it. Current members have families / jobs / etc. so this is a hobby that fits round this. So, don't expect to be gigging every week or anything. However, we are all experienced musicians, so although we intend to have lots of fun in the process, we are serious about creating a great finished product and doing some great gigs.
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