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Everything posted by wotsits

  1. Firstly - You need to learn to read. I said as if you are Ecclesall side looking toward town not looking from Ecclesall. Indicating one side of the city as opposed the other. Secondly- You need to learn to express yourself as the smart arse response stay off the weed hardly says I am to thick to understand the post, it indicates your a prat. Thirdly I knew there was a reason I hadn't been on here and you are a prime example. I am sorry I didn't explain in full baby steps for you!!
  2. I think it must be the old hotel Broomhall. Was near top floor so I doubt it is doggers. As for the weed comment, I don't smoke it. I don't need to and it doesn't make you see lights, so thanks for that imput it wasted 1 second of my time reading it.
  3. Last night approx 11:30pm, there were flashing lights across the top of the big old building in Lodge Moor. I am not sure what this building used to be. I think it was an old Hotel or something. The lights were on the rightside at the top corner as you look from Ecclesall down into the city centre direction. They were flashing like Morse code or something and then went of and it kept repeating this. It was a light in situ but it moved to the left sometimes but this was to quick for a person to be running around up there. I wasn't sure if it was car headlights but I think it would be to high to reflect these and this would be alot of cars to be up there at that time of night. Ps I don't believe in Aliens or anything like that. I was more wondering what the building is now and is it likely that workmen would be up there? Although I would have thought they wouldn't be working by torchlight!!
  4. Had 2 at feline absolutley perfect and one at thou art also very good. Feline is better for after care advice, thou art just give you a bit of paper. Feline actually explain things to you and you can go back in to have the peicing changed when healed. Feline is slightly slightly more expensive but worth it. Blue banana I would not bother with.
  5. Near ponds forge near roundabout. Castle market have a stall to.
  6. It's less friendship and more one way lap dog type thing that gets me. The reason I reacted to the OP like this is the whole fact they are unsure what to make of someone like this. Instead of accepting has questioned if that makes sense. Friendship shouldn't be based on pity.
  7. I will accept help from people I have grown to trust and sometimes needs me back to, but come from that school where when someone is nice for nothing. I think when I am someones shoulder I get peed off after abit and think to myself well your doing nothing to rectify whats going on your doing to yourself type thing and if someone is willing to pick me up time after time and never need back then I find it weird and wonder what they want or whats the benefit for them.
  8. Must admit, I am suspicious about everything. Irony is I would do anything for anyone. It is possible that he could be as dodgey as he is good. People have more than one facet.
  9. And the OP isn't describing a real person, or hasn,t written like she is. She has put a set of character traits down and asked for opinion. People have given there opinion whether I agree with it or not. I have put mine and thats it. For all we know the OP could be writing a play or a book and is doing some general character study. If I want to character assasinate then I will. I find huge amounts of different people with different characters that are different to mine, I annoy the hell out them they do the same to me. I am not going to pretend I don't judge just because you don't want me to have an opinion on a set of made up character traits.
  10. The OP asked hypothetically what do you think of someone with this traits and I answered the question. They would annoy the living hell out of me. Of course asking for an opinion the answer will be based on judgement. People have made a judgement he is lovely, how do they know that he maybe complete sociopath psycho for all they know, it works both ways. I defy anyone to come on here and say they never prejudge anyone.
  11. CAB will say same as me, they may let him use the phones to call. If you go down that road I would call them for an appointment first as it is fairly hard to see someone also.
  12. Make sure you find out where you stand.
  13. Or on another level he thinks if he acts like this long enough, one of the eternally heartbroken Bridget Jones types will look at him in new eyes and think ahhhh he is steady, he is kind and boring, he has sperm, I will make do with him to settle with and bobs your uncle fannys your aunt he played the long game and got some amazing woman who has lost confidence through dating useless selfish types and he is thecat that got the needy devoted cream of the crop.
  14. If you attended you medical you can appeal this decision if it was failed on low points. Once ESA have received and accepted an appeal they will pay you until the appeal is heard (aslong as everything else is ok with the claim and you have your med certs). If the appeal fails this is JSA point. I think you have a certain amount of time from the WCA fail to get your appeal in. I would ring them from the Jobcentre so you don't get charged and ask them where you stand with appealing. Put your reasons in writing and then request payment. It's up to you what you do. If your med cert specifically said operation and not the other conditions the medical may have failedon that and you may have to reclaim on a different illness, although the condition is linked it technically is different. Hope this helps.
  15. You can't sort it face to face. You can use the phones in the Jobcentre but the advisors won't deal with queries unless you have an appointment. The 0800 crisis loan number is free from most major mobile networks but the others aren't.
  16. I think it probably best in terms of the dark furniture. If some of it has strong Sheffield connections, you may do worse as a longshot calling the Sheffield shop,on Ecclesall Road. I am assuming (only been in once) that the man who owns that would have alot of customers and contacts who like Sheffield stuff as he sells modern sheffield collectables in there. You could tell him you have it and see what he says. I will mention it to my dad also he may know of someone but can't guarentee. Ps the Sheffield shop isn't an antique shop it has all sorts in there.
  17. What is the reason the ESA has stopped ? Are you partially fit for work, can you not claim ESA on the medical issues you currently have ?
  18. Sounds like that annoying un castrated dog that sits there, gives you the cute eyes acts as a companion and as soon as it gets the chance humps the hell out of your leg. Sounds like my worst adorably fixated nightmare. I have my boyfriend for that he listens, he cares he cuddles and at the same time he is a man, a true man, a farter, a good cook, a laugh, a counsellor not a support tool for my use as and when I have no one better to put on. Sounds to me like this bloke has no idea who he is and is a one fit use for all occasions or an opportunist on the off chance he will get lucky one day.
  19. It's better than fresh air as stated earlier.
  20. I am only answering as no one else has and I don't know that much to be fair. My dad is an antiques dealer (not furniture) he said to me a few months ago furniture is very hard to shift unless you auction it. Especially dark wood furniture that goes for next to nothing as it is out of fashion unless it is something exceptionally special. You would probably be best ringing one of the auction houses (I will ask my dad which one is the most fair). Hope this helps slightly.
  21. ps the doc told me not to use decongestants such as sudafed as all this does it dry the snot and rubbish in your sinuses out and this makes it harder to get out and compacts it more. Keep the **** wet and let it move.
  22. I sniff very slightly salted water up and lay with my head upside down and then blow my nose really really hard so the yellow and green stuff starts to break up, blow my nose again and then repeat the holding the slightly salted water in my nose and do it again and keep it there until I can taste it in my throat and then I blow my nose even harder. I then use the copper and seawater spray for 3 days about £7.99 from boots and then it goes. I used to get sinusitis and then tonisilitis in 6 week bouts repeatidly. I have had it once this year and that was caused by hayfever and it lasted 2 days and didn't get bad cos the water snorting got it first. That is the first time in 3 years no antibiotics. Type in google how to wash your sinuses and only literally put in about 4 grains of salt. Hope this helps. Bit graphic but works x
  23. I think things may settle am keeping an eye on the situation. You pulled through for me yesterday. If you need a return just PM me.
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