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A case of male vanity...or just growing old?

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Popped into Boots in Broomhill this morning. Apart from yet another set of dummies for my youngest daughter, I picked up some Just For Men. 'Who for?' I hear you cry. Well, for me actually.


And that's just it. I have come to the point where the grey in my hair is beginning to play on my concience and that I feel it is time to try and hide it. Yet, should I feel nature is hurrying along at too quick a pace - I've only just turned 36! - or is it a case of 'tough luck, old charmer'?


The opposite sex is far more used to this kind of behaviour. Behaviour? It's DENILE! And I'm now a member of the Deny-the-fact-that-I'm-Not-Getting-Any-Younger Elite.


Pah, it's enough to turn me to drink. (Okay, I turned in that direction way back.) This is stuff your father, NAY, your grandfather used to buy. You'd rummage round your grandparents' bathroom cabinet and there it was: Grecian 2000. It sure sounded futuristic, a date that was not yet on the horizon to a seven year old in the mid-nineteen seventies!


So fellow Forumers, I ask, as a male, mainly to the fairer sex, but also to you blokes honest enough to admit to doing the same kind of thing (denial, fellas, it's denial) - am I vain, or merely trying to redress the age-old problem of what is an age-old problem?

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"Just for Men" is quite good, the problem is that if your hair grows quick you get gray roots in a week, which look even worse than grey hair in the first place.


Putting a bit of effort in and wanting to look as good as you can is not vanity.

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I think women prefer men that have grey hair to men that pretend that they don't, generally speaking. But women wouldn't be seen DEAD with grey hair.


Men can look distinguished and handsome with grey hair and it's perfectly acceptable. But women seem to be pressured more on a daily basis to keep up the eternally youthful look I think.

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Originally posted by nick2

"Just for Men" is quite good, the problem is that if your hair grows quick you get gray roots in a week, which look even worse than grey hair in the first place.


Yeh, but that'd be good wouldn't it? Haven't you noticed the Aussie cricket team (that's the one that wins) seem to have a couple of players sporting the mousey look that became fashionable in the mid-to-late eighties? I even had streaks done myself in 1988!


So, I'd be a fashionable dad? Albeit with a mixture of Just For Men Natural Black and 36 y.o. grey!


(It's okay, I fully understand the moans I can hear already.)

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Sounds like a mild case of mid life crisis, you may start thinking of career changes and getting a motorbike soon.

Don't go into denial, roll with it and treat it as a rite of passage.

Mind you i went from 'puppy fat' to 'middle age spread' over night, now thats denial!


Ps.... Check out Motorcycle News for some good bargains

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At least you lasted until 36 before you started going grey, my beard started going grey whan i was about 25, then a couple of years later my hair started falling out.

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Hey I'm 36 and sat here right now with hair dye on my hair to cover up my grey! I've been going grey for years but now has got to the point where it is extrmely noticeable. I now have approximately 60% at the sides and 50% on top. I even had one of the kids at the school where I work asking me why I coloured the top of my hair white?!


I don't really care about going grey but it does look a bit of a mess as my natural hair colour is very dark. It's not an even distribution of grey either. It's sort of in patches all over.


All hail to hair dye I say!!

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I think grey generally suits the person, it goes with skin tone which alters too. If you look at someone who obviously dyes their hair it's usually the fact that it doesn't match their skin tone that draws your attention to it. Particularly if they dye it a couple of shades too dark.


Attitude, posture and general demeanour have more to do with how old people perceive you to be.

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