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Pen/Jack Knife...did you have one as a kid?

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These days they are classed as "lethal weapons", and are employed as such by some youngsters.


How times change!


In my day, as a child (late 1940's-mid 1950's) it was a normal thing to have a Pen Knife or a Jack Knife.....a useful tool which served it's time as an everyday multi-purpose accessory for making Peashooter's, whittling wood, etc. Scouts always had them too..


Did you have a knife as a kid?


What did you use it for?


Take a trip down Memory Lane with Yours Truly. :)

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I had a 'Swiss Army' style pen-knife which I used a lot as I spent a fair amount of time roaming the local countryside, doing my Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme, helping in the garden, building 'dens', etc. This was the 1970s.


I also belonged to a 'military modelling' society at school and so once a week showed up with a craft knife kit with blades as sharp as a razor.


I also had a 'pruning knife' - a curved 'clasp knife' sort of thing that folds out for use. I still have that - I occasionally use it for sharpening pencils. :) A few years ago I had need to visit a Court Building, and realised just as I was walking through the door that I had the latter knife in my bag, having been showing it to someone at the office. I made my visit teh following day...sans knife. :D

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I always carried one as a child, had sheath knives in the scouts.got several lock knives of different sizes including special forces type and 2 or 3 swiss army types kept in cars and rucksakc. Ieven managed to pick up a flick knife in Rhodes the other year.

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I always carried one as a child, had sheath knives in the scouts.got several lock knives of different sizes including special forces type and 2 or 3 swiss army types kept in cars and rucksakc. Ieven managed to pick up a flick knife in Rhodes the other year.


Flick Knife???:confused:


You'd even've been banned from the Cinema House("Flea Pit") Cinema in Rotherham with one of them on yer, willman. :o


Only the usherettes were licenced to carry them on their person.....when they had Dandelion & Burdock drinks on their trays. :hihi:

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I have had various types of penknives, but none of them could compare with the plastic handled steel bladed penknife I was given as a memento of the Queen's coronation in 1953. It didn't last a day, the blade broke off the first time I tried to sharpen a pencil with it :D

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Sometime in the late 40's, Princess Elizabeth came to Sheffield & we were given little blue pen knives at school, with the coat of arms on them for a souvenir, I think the girls got a mug, how times have changed.

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