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What book are you reading at the moment?


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I usually have two books on the go at once. Currently it's Patrick O'Brian's Master and Commander, and Brian Greene's The Fabric of the Cosmos.


I've only just picked up O'Brian's book, so can't really make a judgement on it, but Greene's tome is annoyingly repetitive and patronising. I'm hoping he picks the pace up as it sends me to sleep after wading my way through a chapter.


I'm into My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult and its really good.


I'm just about to buy that one for my girlfriend via Amazon.

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iv just finished reading...Charlie Richardson - my manor.

it was absolutely fab,he was the gangster who ran the other side of london to the Krays,its a true story to which is the kind of books i like.


gonna start reading Reg and Ron Kray - our story next..:)

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I started reading the new Harry Potter recently.


It's wicked, mate. Apart from the final chapter, which seems clumsily bolted on.

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