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Dexter - New series


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It can't come soon enough. I'm wondering if they are going to draw any more elements from the books for future seasons to play about with - some great ideas in the books (although I hope they don't go all supernatural like the third book did, and keep it firmly ground in reality).


Whatever they do, how can they top season 2? Nail biter from start to finish!


I have never read any of the books but I do agree season 2 is going to be hard to beat.


I only started watching it after my son watched the first episode and asked if I could find it to download from anywhere. I then proceded to watch both series in a week! Thing is if I read the description of the first episode I don't think I would have even considered watching it.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have just finished watching the final 2 episodes of 'Ice Truck Killer' as after this weeks TV episode, I just couldn't wait another two weeks for the TV showings so I watched them on DVD that my son had.


For those who are following the series ..... Do not miss! ....


Its a long time since any TV programme or series has had me this hooked!

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I've managed to catch the first seven episodes of series two, and I'm as hooked by this series as series one.


Just as many twists and turns, it'll keep you on the edge of your seats. If you didn't bite your nails before, you will when you watch this.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I love it! Michael C. Hall who plays Dexter is a great actor. I first saw him in Six Feet Under, and he was good in that too. At least theyll be another series, not like my other fav programme 'Moonlight', thats been scrapped grrrrr. :mad::suspect:

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