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Stirrings of life in former Gay Club on Attercliffe Road...

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Thanks for your support Diva and everyone else that has shown there support, we really hope it goes well but we wont know till we try. The bar is getting a compleate refit at a cost of around £40000 everything even down the the pipes that the water run through are new! (as the old ones have been stolen!) We will have loads of drink promos running and hopefully this will attract peolpe. Our website http://www.mj-sheffield.com will be up and running in the next few days and we will post regualr updates on the opening etc.

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I remember the3 pubs on attercliffe when they were real pubs with real people always a bit rough but not like the degenerate wife swopping shirtlifting second hand dildo purchasing weirdoes that infest the place now.


You can never find a good thunderbolt when you need one.


Definitely not keen on the shirtlifting (disgusting) :gag: , but certainly can't see what the problem is with the rest. :thumbsup::cool::hihi:

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just a quick one, i used to live in japan and loved their cubicl/private room style of kareoke.


will this be the theme with yours or will it be a stand on stage in front of everyone style jobbie.


if anyone could tell me where i could find the former style please help. i have been looking for one of those for a very long time in or around sheffield and cant seem to find one.

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