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Can i still get black "paper" Tomato pots?

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Does anyone know if it is still possible to obtain the black paper-type pots that were once used for Tomato plants, and where to get them from? They were cylindrical in shape (as opposed to being tapered), and they had no bottom in them. I understand that the correct name for them is “Wale hide pots”. (No joy on Google when I looked) Any guidance would be much appreciated as usual.


Also, if they are no longer being produced, what alternative has replaced them? Thanks.

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Would they be these?


I did try a search on whale hide pots (I'd always assumed there was an H) but didn't get very far either.


Thanks Woolbrains-yes, it would appear that it is the same spelling as the Whales that swim in the sea, although the material has nothing to do with whales, (or indeed the place where Tom Jones comes from) :) .


Thank you for your link-which works, but the site is down at this time. I will check back on that site later. In the mean time if anyone knows what the commercial growers are using as an alternative please advise.

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