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Any golfers on here ?

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Sun - Thu we stayed dry but had a 2-3 club wind that was blowing the wrong way.


I thought SSC was a fair test. The greens were in good nick. The tee shot on the 5th (over the road and alond the cliff top) is a test of faith. With the wind coming off the sea the line was right along the cliff top to let it drift back in :o


I only played the 1 round at SSC as I 'qualified' for the cut on Tue and played the rest of my rounds at Ganton.


Ganton.... :help: With the wind I found it very tough going.


I thought the greens were fairly slow on the Sunday practice round, and found SSC much faster on the Monday. On my return to Ganton on Tuesday the greens had been cut and were..... fast.


I love the course as it's a true test of golf, but the combination of wind and inconsistent iron play meant I never shot a great score.


Thoroughly enjoyed the week tho, and am looking forward to Fairhaven and St Anne's Old Links next year.


That's providing my sciatica has gone by then :mad: Not sure that 13 rounds in 10 days was such a good idea :loopy:


13 rounds in 10 days......not done that since I was a teenager. 36 holes in a day does me in these days...even with an electric trolley.


Did you enter competitions at Ganton and SSC? There are a lot of good festival weeks for sensible money. Played the Carnoustie Tassie a couple of times....good fun. Thinking about Saunton Sands for next year - my favourite course.

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13 rounds in 10 days......not done that since I was a teenager. 36 holes in a day does me in these days...even with an electric trolley.


Did you enter competitions at Ganton and SSC? There are a lot of good festival weeks for sensible money. Played the Carnoustie Tassie a couple of times....good fun. Thinking about Saunton Sands for next year - my favourite course.

An electric trolley is now on my shopping list :) Along with a new set of irons (I think it's time for the 20 year old Titleist blades to go!).


The week at Ganton & SSC was organised by our company Golf Association, and at £115 is cracking value (I got 8 rounds at Ganton and 1 at SSC for that money). The Mon & Tue are the company Champion scratch rounds, whilst also acting as net qualifying rounds for the Wed/Thu/Fri knockout matchplay. If you don't make the 'cut' for the knockout stage, or get knocked out on Wed or Thu there are subsidiary events to enter.


It's really well organised (been going since 1922) and thoroughly enjoyable.

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An electric trolley is now on my shopping list :) Along with a new set of irons (I think it's time for the 20 year old Titleist blades to go!).


The week at Ganton & SSC was organised by our company Golf Association, and at £115 is cracking value (I got 8 rounds at Ganton and 1 at SSC for that money). The Mon & Tue are the company Champion scratch rounds, whilst also acting as net qualifying rounds for the Wed/Thu/Fri knockout matchplay. If you don't make the 'cut' for the knockout stage, or get knocked out on Wed or Thu there are subsidiary events to enter.


It's really well organised (been going since 1922) and thoroughly enjoyable.



Sounds like I need to join your company !

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1)what course(s) do you play ?



2)where do you practice ?


concord park

3)what make of golf clubs do you use ?

top flight x22

4)what type of balls do you use ?


5)what is your handicap(if any) ?

20 and im 16

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my plan to play every day fizzled out however I did play Beauchief this morning. Went up by myself and joined in with 3 Veteran regulars who have played up there for years. Was nice being told the ins and outs of the course and really enjoyed the round and the company as they were top blokes.


couldn't believe how busy the course was but was impressed with the standard although parts of it seemed a bit wet. Views are fantastic mind.


Couldn't get a hang of the greens though, kept hitting breaks that didn't seem to be there although my putting is easily my weakest point.


Ended up scoring 109 which I am fairly happy about at this moment in my game as I am not the greatest player within 100 yards of the green, hit some good drives and had 10 holes of 1 over, ruined myself on the 10th and 13th where I got a 9 and an 11 after some horrendous play

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