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29 pigeons tortured by yobs.

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See the link from the story in the STAR


What the Star does not say though is the level of cruelty applied by these yobs. Some of the birds had their eyes gouged out.

Andrew Hartley is really devasted and doesn't believe he can keep pigeons any more.

These yobs, I don't really know what to call them, must be caught who knows what they will move on to next.

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And I bet the parents/friends of these detritus would be the first to decry any suggestions that giving them a good kicking and public humiliation as being too cruel and inhuman.


Don't you just hope these ******** die a painful death by overdose or joyrider. :rant:

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What is really worrying is that they probably discussed how they would go about the actions prior to doing them. And these are the scum - along with their defenders - who would claim their human rights if they were mistreated when in custody. :loopy:

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I was saddened to read about this in the paper. This goes well beyond mindless vandalism. I only hope the people involved might suffer ANY guilt after these events.


I just can't understand what people get out of it? It makes me sick just thinking of doing this.


I watched "The Pianist" last night (about the treatment of the Polish jews in WWII), and I know it's obviously a billion times worse:


but it did make me think there was a similar lack of humanity in this event. These must be people who walk and talk like humans but have no soul.


Hopefully one day they may realise just how empty they are.

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