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Strange shop on West Street.

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Slim, you state that you suspect the shop sells "dodgy" goods. What on earth does this imply? It sounds like you either think there is a violation of the law occuring or more likely a violation of your moral code.


The former is ill founded, the latter your choice.


As for the shop, so what? I take it shops selling alcohol:o , fags:o and porn:o are just as "dodgy".


Live and let..


Worry about something else.


Life's too short (or a box of chocolates)


Choose any platitude you like.:thumbsup:

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OK, as a direct response to you original post.

I think it's a great shop and the chap that runs it is really sound. Why not call in, tell him you are new to such things and would like more information or advise on trying a legal high for the first time, he may offer you something that's not to strong that you may enjoy.


Because i have no desire to get involved in drugs even those that are technically legal (and lets face it we are talking about legal technicalities here).

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... but it gives the impression of encouraging drugs.


I really don't think a shop can do this. A friend of mine works in a bar and says that use of 'illegal' class A drugs is so widespread, and is very acceptable and cheap now. It's not just the people/addicts/whatever outside tesco using potentially dangerous drugs, it's the pretty young people who you wouldn't expect. But a shop to do this alone? Hmmm...

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And why are they ‘dodgy’? You don't like illegal drugs because they are illegal even though you have never tried any and know little about them, so why not try LEGAL drugs? Surely by your own logic if they are legal they must be OK?


The word dodgy is much used at the moment (infact overused in my view). It is used by various people to describe various things. In other words whatever they personally dislike.

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I suggest a srongly worded letter to the Daily Mail.


Sorry that's the mordant tongue in me.


Of course you are entitled to your opinion on "DRUGS!" , and as such I suspect you have an opinion on "DRUG!" users. But the original point you made was to canvass opinion on the West street shop - well - it's great.


There you go.

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i think its a silly shop too!


like selling poppers as 'room fresheners'! as if! just one of those places i'd like to avoid! legally they're allowed to help people take drugs as long as they don't actually sell the drug, silly idea but hey, i can't do anything about it so i just have to avoid it, and probably the people coming out of it too!

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i think its a silly shop too!


like selling poppers as 'room fresheners'! as if! just one of those places i'd like to avoid! legally they're allowed to help people take drugs as long as they don't actually sell the drug, silly idea but hey, i can't do anything about it so i just have to avoid it, and probably the people coming out of it too!


Agree Emma. Glad that someone else thinks like me. Good to see that not all young people (as some would have us believe) are keen on drugs.:thumbsup:

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I hate that place, too. Full of drugged-up druggy drug heads using drugs. I once saw a young girl leaving the place in quite a state - she was stark naked, goggle eyed, and looked like she hadn't had a decent meal in days. She shouted, 'I can fly, I can fly!', and jumped straight into the path of a moving tram; she would have come to a sticky end were it not for a rather devious looking coloured chap, obviously the owner of the drug den, who scuttled out from the shadowy doorway and dragged her back inside.


I later found out that the girl had just months before been the daughter of a whoelsome local couple from one of Sheffield's more affluent suburbs - beautiful, popular, just about to head off to university...now she's a drug-addled druggy who steals babies from pensioners just so she can afford her next """"fix"""".

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