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I am in a pool with $70.00 in the pot. I pick my winners by choosing team players that I like, colors, cities etc. I always pick the New York teams. Don't know why? I used to like Vinnie Testeverde and Jason Seahorn. I usually pick New Orleans, Miami and San Francisco too. Also Pittsburgh cos they are the Steelers and from a steel city like Sheffield. My dad's favourite team.

Mr Funke used to talk me out of picking certain teams and then damn it they would win. So he quit telling me what to do. Last season I won about 3 times. The guys used to get annoyed that I won cos I had no clue and they hated losing to a woman, especially an English one. I read the stats in the paper and either pick all the home teams or I just pick favourites. There is no inside scoop to my selections. I do like Brad Favre but I can't go with Vinnie now as he has gone to the dark side. It is not in my nature to go with Dallas. I didn't like them even before I met Mr Funke. Redskins and Dallas are arch enemies. I did vote for NE Patriots on Thursday so I'm one up already. I'd better go now and get the beer and chips ready for tomorrow :thumbsup:

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I always liked the Steelers. There's a bar in town totally dedicated to them, and folks come from miles around when they play. I always had regard for the Packers, they were Lombardi's team, and are owned by the City of Green Bay. They have a terrific reputation for their interaction with the kids of the city. That is a lot better than you can say about Dallas

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