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Crime Down, Fear Up!

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Originally posted by Snook

The same Home Office that have said that the Crime Survey was "accepted as the most reliable source of information"?


It would say that because the Crime Survey paints a rosier picture. If the police stats gave the better figures the Home Office would be promoting that as the most reliable source. Spin??

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Originally posted by t020

It would say that because the Crime Survey paints a rosier picture. If the police stats gave the better figures the Home Office would be promoting that as the most reliable source. Spin??


Then why do the Lib Dem and Tory parties also agree? Why not use it against them, especially with an election coming up?

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I'd like to see your source on that. Personally I can't see how a (relatively) small sample of people answering survey questions about crimes (missing out several violent crimes) can be a more conclusive method of determining crime figures than the amount of actual crimes reported to the police. Each to their own though.

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'The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats called on the new figures to be taken as the benchmark for a drop, while Mr Blunkett denied advance knowledge of the 5% drop and home office minister Hazel Blears said the BCS was "accepted as the most reliable source of information". '




There you go, quote and source.

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Originally posted by t020

Well actually it does... it's an official figure from the Home Office.





Your second point is so irrelevant and pointless that I shan't bother to respond to it.



Oh, OK. What you're saying is that if a report is in The Telegraph, you'll believe it, whereas if it's in The Indy you won't.



Let me give you a piece of genuine, heartfelt advice. Stop worrying about the crime, the muggers, the rising house market, the nasty brown people, the football hooligans, the bogeyman, the MEPs, MRSA, poofs, piercings, student loans, illegal immigrants, immigrants in general, traffic wardens, the Euro, pirate DVDs, the latest pentium, your car, chavs, people who dare enjoy Big Brother, your education, your career, their career, how come they've got a career?


You spend every day living in a great city, in a wonderful country. Enjoy it.


Most importantly, don't take advice from strangers on a website.

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It must just be all the crime going on in Ecclesall that is giving you such a poor view on the world. In 20 years of living where i do, i've never been the victim of crime, and heard of very little around here. The kids play out in the streets, and people walk around at night AS IF IT WERE SAFE!!!!! Shock horror!


Maybe i should just get me a gun and put bars on the window, because the telegraph tells me we're all going to hell in a hand-basket! :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Toby

Let me give you a piece of genuine, heartfelt advice. Stop worrying about the crime, the muggers, the rising house market, the nasty brown people, the football hooligans, the bogeyman, the MEPs, MRSA, poofs, piercings, student loans, illegal immigrants, immigrants in general, traffic wardens, the Euro, pirate DVDs, the latest pentium, your car, chavs, people who dare enjoy Big Brother, your education, your career, their career, how come they've got a career?



Agree with you on every point Toby.


Except about the Traffic Wardens. Let's face it, it's a c***s job and only a c*** would do it! :)

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Originally posted by Snook

It must just be all the crime going on in Ecclesall that is giving you such a poor view on the world. In 20 years of living where i do, i've never been the victim of crime, and heard of very little around here. The kids play out in the streets, and people walk around at night AS IF IT WERE SAFE!!!!! Shock horror!


Maybe i should just get me a gun and put bars on the window, because the telegraph tells me we're all going to hell in a hand-basket! :rolleyes:


I've never been a victim of crime, anywhere, ever. I just don't like the way New Labour twist figures to make things look like they're better than they really are. There is no way on earth that violent crime, in particular gun crime, is falling.

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I agree, gun crime is up, as is murder. What is failed to be mentioned though, is that these are mostly gang related, and as such are not carried out on the general public as some people would have you believe (I know there is some random crime and acts of violence, there always has been and always will be).


If you are a law abiding citizen you are safer now than you have been in a very long time, and far less likely to be the victime of crime... so everyone can relax. :D

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