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Commons Debate - Butler Report

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Having watched the house debate butler I found that although I personally did not agree with sending the troops in to Iraq I thought Blair won the debate hands down.

Howard seemed to rest his argument on the fact that there was not enough cabinet imput into the decisions which were made,but I can remember when the same accusation was levelled at Mrs T hatcher about the falklands war so maybe some things never change.

As for the lib dems I also thought that Charles Kennedy gave a good performance,but like I said I thought Howard was awful.

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Originally posted by nomme

Shock horror probe: "MP is a liar".


Film at eleven.




An habitiual liar to be precise and apart from being glib is about the only person who could talk his way out of a time locked bank vault.

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Originally posted by Lickszz

An habitiual liar to be precise and apart from being glib is about the only person who could talk his way out of a time locked bank vault.


Shock, horror probe "MP is an habitual liar AND a skillful orator!"


Film at eleven.



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Originally posted by royjames

Having watched the house debate butler I found that although I personally did not agree with sending the troops in to Iraq I thought Blair won the debate hands down.

Howard seemed to rest his argument on the fact that there was not enough cabinet imput into the decisions which were made,but I can remember when the same accusation was levelled at Mrs T hatcher about the falklands war so maybe some things never change.

As for the lib dems I also thought that Charles Kennedy gave a good performance,but like I said I thought Howard was awful.


Interesting you mention about the Falklands war because Blair was caught out when he echoed one of Thatchers famous lines. He told the Iraqi war critics to rejoice just like Thatcher had done when Britain regained South Georgia.

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Howard was in a hopeless position after fully supporting the war. Unlike Teflon T who invented the WMD threat to justify it, Howard seemed to think that regime change had suffiicient merit on its own to justify war.

He's not in a position to bleat about distortion of intelligence and outright lies when he didn't think that posession of WMD had to be proved to justify invasion. He was prepared to go with no evidence at all!

I am amazed that he could'nt see what was coming in the Commons. Thanks to Howard we are left with an even more smug and arrogant PM, surrounded by sychophants who are even smarmier and more nauseating than ever. Never mind, every time some one has to watch this specatacle they lose a few more votes

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