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Are men stupid to be well mannered and chivalrous today? Many times, I have found myself opening a door for a lady who has walked straight past without a word, smile, or a glance in recognition of my kindness.


Are women today more ignorant than I have ever known in my life? or is it because of their emancipation. Is their regard for men at an all time low? and the fact that a lot of them are highly educated so their indifferent, arrogant attiude, portrays their self induced superiority.


Do they need taking down a peg or two? and did we men ought to treat them as equals and make them open their own doors and let them know that if they can be ignorant, so can we.


All my life, I have regarded a woman as a lady, and always treat her as such, but I am getting more and more disappointed with the female attitude of mightier than thou. Is it a modern phenomenon? or is it more sinister? are they planning to take over the world? and have charge of everything with all us men under their thumb??? :cry::lol::cry:

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Well if men ARE stupid to be well mannered today, that's me buggered for the future.. Admitedly, moving to Sheffield from Derbyshire I noticed a change in attitude and behaviors by everyone. Though I guess that's since where I used to live in Derbyshire was a very small community and nearly everyone knew each other.


As for not getting a smile or anything from people, I know EXACTLY what you mean. I've tried being helpful to people, and I smile at them and they just frown at me and think I'm some kind of weirdo! At college, I've also noticed that girls nearly always go for the jerks. Why is that? I wish I knew.. It seems honesty and maturity get's you nowhere these days.


I'm not sure they need taking down a peg or two, but I think alot of them need to open their eyes. Though with modern male behaviour today, is it any wonder that women have changed their opinions? I think it also has something to do with society and being with the "in" crowd for teenagers, I've always been an outcast.


Apologies if I've missed your main point, but I thought I'd add my two cents on life today.. :?

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! At college, I've also noticed that girls nearly always go for the jerks. Why is that? I wish I knew.. It seems honesty and maturity get's you nowhere these days.


oh how i know how you feel :(


i always open doors for people and whatnot and what do i get? well the occasional grunted cheers, but most of the time i get sarcastic or annoyed looks as if im doing something wrong :x

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As a woman I cannot remember ever having a door opened for me. As a mother with buggy it happens on occasion but people generally prefer to see you struggle until you are just through then offer to help.


We have a lad over from Freemantle and he was gobsmacked at the attitudes of people here. He offered to give his seat to an elderly passenger and they ignored him.


I guess pride has got to much of today's society. Heaven forbid someone deems you old enough to need their seat. God strike down the man who thinks a woman needs a feeble door opening for her.


As a pregnant woman on a tram you have to be giving birth before any of folk on there will give up their seats. My hubby had to prop me up once when I was pregnant with my last child so I didn't loose my balance. Very funny but extremely annoying. :evil:


Although I consider myself quite an independant woman, it is nice once in a while to be treated as a lady.


Moon Maiden

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Halevans, I know what you mean but I don't think that it's just the women today who are lacking manners. There is a general downward trend in the manners department. Also people are getting much more aggresive in their day to day life.

Please don't stop opening doors for ladies Hal cos some of us appreciate it. Though you probably wouldn't think me a lady Hal as I'm partial to the odd pint and game of darts. :P:lol:

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Neo - the girls at college may go for the jerks but they wont stay with them. Its the nice, honest, trustworthy , polite guys who get the long term girlfriends and wives. Girls have to learn their lesson first. As for opening doors for women, you wont get any gratitude these days cos the worlds become obsessed with being politically correct - a lot probably find it insulting that you think theyre too weak to open a door for themselves - but offer to pay for dinner or buy them a dress/jewellery and im sure theyd oblige.

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Originally posted by "kittykat"


Neo - the girls at college may go for the jerks but they wont stay with them. Its the nice, honest, trustworthy , polite guys who get the long term girlfriends and wives. Girls have to learn their lesson first. As for opening doors for women, you wont get any gratitude these days cos the worlds become obsessed with being politically correct - a lot probably find it insulting that you think theyre too weak to open a door for themselves - but offer to pay for dinner or buy them a dress/jewellery and im sure theyd oblige.


There's hope for some of us yet then! :lol:

I have a girlfriend, but unfortunately she lives down in Cheltenham. She absolutely LOVES the romantic gestures I make and such, and she appreciates my honesty and politeness.. It seems to be a rare thing in Sheffield, I get called posh often for behaving and talking the way I do.

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Don't stop being nice to the ladies folks.


Always have been because it's the way i was brought up. I won't stop being polite because political correctness dictates otherwise

Don't let PC grind you down!!


(By the by..New to the forums....Originally from Northumberland and happily residing in Sheffield. Have been for almost 5 years now)

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