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How would You manage without your car?

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I guess I'd survive, but my freedom would be severely restricted... I'd have to walk to Manor top to get a tram to work... Change trams in town as I work near Meadowhall... Then I'd have to hope and pray that I make enough tips of an evening to be able to afford a taxi home when I finish work at 11.30pm!


I'd not be able to see my Boyfriend as much or meet him for lunch etc... and I'd *always* have to carry a coat and unberella which I dont at the moment... Oh and I wouldnt be able to carry 5 pairs of shoes around in my car incase I change my mind on which shoes to wear...


Yup, my world would fall apart with no car!

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i have had to start getting the bus to and from work, there is no comparisson with the car. buses are dirty, they never run on time and expensive and on top of that you have to listen to chavs playing music on their bl##dy mobile phones............and relax.


see thats what getting on the bus does to you

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i have had to start getting the bus to and from work, there is no comparisson with the car. buses are dirty, they never run on time and expensive and on top of that you have to listen to chavs playing music on their bl##dy mobile phones............and relax.


see thats what getting on the bus does to you



As opposed to a car, where you pay even more, are exposed to greater levels of pollution, do not get any traffic priority, can't sit and read or have a snooze, don't get any exercise whatsoever and have a huge environmental impact.

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I sold my car 4 years ago as my place of work is on the tram route. I lasted 3years before I bought another mainly as the reliabilty of public transport meant I was getting home too late.


I think I could againmanage without a car during the week, but for getting places at the weekends etc it's a must.

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Despite being a car freak, I cycle to work - it's only a mile. I pick up bits and bobs I need from the shops on my way home (on the bike) as & when I need them, and use the car occasionally for a 'big shop'.


As such, I'd cope without it, but I love driving, enjoy taking it on trips (some abroad) and to tracks, and have made a lot of friends and had a lot of great experiences through the Supra owners club, so would give up most other things in my life before I gave up the car.

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Gave up having a car two years ago when it died when I lived in Cornwall.

So now moving to Sheffield have found somewhere to live where me and my partner can both use public transport to get to work (Stocksbridge and Buxton) and we just make the necessary plans to get around otherwise on bikes, public transport or walking!

I am happy at the mo to live without one although for our occasional visits to parents in Cornwall we do hire a car but I justify that by knowing they are brand new, good on emissions and fuel economy.

We haven't encountered any real problems being car-less - minor day-to-day frustrations, yes, but nothing like road rage, parking, garage rip-offs, tax and fuel costs, breaking down as well as the obvious environmental impact!

I know it doesn't work for everyone but I think it would be nice for us all to try a car-free week...

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In a way I'd like a car, but I still wouldn't drive to work. I enjoy the walk (about 1.5 miles) although in winter in can be hard to face in the morning! Walking keeps me fit, is cheap, and gives me plenty of time to unwind on the way home from work!


When you don't have a car (and never have had!) I think you just get used to planning ahead and leaving more time to get somewhere, making allowances for waiting for trams/buses/trains.


When I'm going on long journeys I don't mind getting the train because if you book ahead it's not too expensive, and I enjoy having an excuse to have a snooze or read a book.


The times I'd like a car are when I'm doing something in the evening and I don't always feel safe either on public transport, waiting for it or walking. I'd also like one when shopping for large or heavy items like furniture, although mainly it can be delivered. I have a driving license, but until I have kids or desperately need a car for work I am happy to manage without the cost, worry of damage/accidents and guilt of pollution.

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Im lucky. I had to sell the car a couple of years ago because of health reasons but I really dont need one. Theres a bus stop at the end of my road and the bus is hardly used by anyone because Im in a rural area and its a nice 30 minute run into town.

The drawback is, the nearest shop to me apart form town is a 20 minute walk away but thats not so bad because its a lovely walk and when Im in the mood I can stick the walkman on and just enjoy the music and the views.

I realise now that my car was just a toy, and I wasted a lot of money on the damn thing.

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