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Winn Gardens: What you don't hear in the media

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OH NO LOUD MUSIC AND KIDS SHOUTING! ITS THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT! personally i have never experienced anything like that on this estate! and i never said my estate was nice, i used to live in oughtibridge and i wish i still lived there!


I took a great deal of time to put up some flyers about the festival. One was ripped down and thrown in a hedge. Was it on the winn estate.. nope in was in WPV.


I just hope that everyone will still come along to Middlewood Park on the 19th and have lots of fun. :D

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You do alot of good work Fox and we agree on many things. However i do thing others have a point. I am tolerant but i also witnessed youngsters abusing an elderly gentleman by the tram shop. I also saw beer being sold to clearly underage kids. When i said to the shop keeper that he didn't look old enough his response was " I'd go bust if i didn't sell to the kids. They make up most of my business"


Fates, coffee mornings and the like go along way to helping on the estate but it still doesn't tackle the issue of crime that clearly still exists. The people on the estate who obviously know these handful of trouble makers, need to stop turning a blind eye and either stand up to them or report what they see. It wouldn't take long to weed them out. At the moment it seems many are scared to even admit they have seen them.


If we are honest everyne o WPV, Winn,Gardens etc have seen these problem youngster but denying their existance does nothing but allow them free rain.


Redrobbo - irevernce lie "next doors crying bady" just help to keep issues that need discussion unclear. You should know better and frankly your lack of objective input disappoints me.


This isn't about pointing fingers. People in WPV are no better or worse that their WG neighbours. But a problem exists that must effect everyone and pretending it's all roses doesn't help.

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Thank you Cuey. Yes we do have lots of work to do. And the residents on the whole are in support of any actions taken if Yp are commiting crime. With respect to the shop in question did you report it? and without wanting to name names could you hint at which one?


I think you should be aware that the crime of which everyone speaks is not so great as you would imagine. Most problems are of petty antisocial behaviours, not robberies and assaults. As with my OP I would like people to put a little perspective on things instead of exagerrating issues.

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I would like to reply to Spiderfran,

who sadly appears to be rather naive in her labelling of an entire estate.

She claims to be a student and if that is the case and we are reliant on people of your intellectuality to rule the world in the near future, God help us all!


I know this is not the case as I have a son who is a student and he actually has some brain cells, unfortunately as it's the summer holidays he can't reply to the post in person as he is at work earning a very nice wage.


I take great offence to all the negative remarks made by people who have little or no knowledge of livng here.

I can comment as I have lived here for 19yrs and have brought up 6 children in the process, all of whom I am v proud of.


Two of my daughters have families of their own, with working partners, who still live here, both my sons have specialist jobs, my younest is a grade a student, still at school and my other daughter is an estate agent.


The latter fell about laughing at your comments as through her work she knows only too well the difficulty in trying to sell any property on Wadsley Park Village, people buy a house only to move out within two years as there is no community feel to it, little boxes and all that.


I would like to say my children were never dirty or use abusive language, however they may be tempted, should their paths ever cross yours.


By the way Netto or the shop selling to under age drinkers are no where near Winn Gardens again demonstrating that you have an inability to work out who lives where, you obviously don't take geography !!!!!

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I won't name names but if you wanted a drink just before you got on the tram it would be convenient. Yes i reported but i doubt any action was taken because he still has a liquor license.


Yes these are not huge robberies BUT as many research projects show antisocial behaviour leads to a bad reputation and increased violent crime etc. Once this happens you only get new tenants who are there because no where else will have them and its a downward spiral. Also if the current bunch of ASBO collectors are dealt with then the younger children coming through see this and it acts as a deterant.


What is currently happening can only encourage a younger generation to do the same. Peer pressure, but lets no under estimate it. When an area regardless of make up is run by the least socially adept group amongst them then every one suffers. Its no good moaning at the police for storming the wrong houses. The residents know full well who should be put away but if this is never communicated this, then the police are working blind.


You wouldn't complain a doctor got it wrong if you refused to tell him where it hurt.


Shop the bad eggs. Its hard to start with, but eventually they will learn WG is a no go area for thugs. Its the reputation amongst criminals that matters, not amongst people over the road. If the criminals and antisocial youth think its an area they can control then it will remain that way.


Once it appears to be an area people want to come to then people have an interest in keeping it that way and it gets better and better. You have encouraged people to take an interest in their area and that is good, but a carrot is only any good if it has an equally active stick behind it when needed.

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I won't name names but if you wanted a drink just before you got on the tram it would be convenient. Yes i reported but i doubt any action was taken because he still has a liquor license.

I understand ;) but this shop if the allegation is true are part of the problem don't you think. I know the other shop are aggressive about not selling alcohol or cigarettes to minors.


Shop the bad eggs. Its hard to start with, but eventually they will learn WG is a no go area for thugs. Its the reputation amongst criminals that matters, not amongst people over the road. If the criminals and antisocial youth think its an area they can control then it will remain that way.


You may be interested to know that the estate has a community safety group consisting of residents, youth workers and our local policing team. The residents are not standing back and watching the world unravel. :)

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Good to here and i admire the work you put in, that has never been in question. I just think that the answer some people use to an issue like this. (and lets face it, its not just WG) is "its not as bad as people say" or "it doesn't exist"


The first step to solving any problem is acknowledgeing it (hmmm that looks spelt wrong) :confused:


A community forum is good but does beg the question, why is a little runt who has been spotted by half a dozen people commiting minor but numerous crimes still felling like he can get away with it. Name Names thats whats needed. If peole are afraid to name names then the air of safty is clearly an illusion.


In all honesty i really think you have made huge steps. You know i haven't been in WPV that long but i have never felt threatened in any way. Then again i'm not old/infirm/disfunctional in anyway.


If people in WPV do have issues then what is needed is proper feed back and if possible support. Just saying "they're all pikeys" isn't helpful but the estate also has a responsibilty to keep its own house in order.


"I don't think i've every posted such long responses. Your keeping me from doing proper work fox :) "

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Thanks Cuey ,

Nice that you have a clear objective point of view.

I have worked with many groups all over Sheffield and every area seems to have the same issues

I agree that for change to take place people have to stand up and be counted, but that can be difficult when you are constantly blamed for things that are not within your control

Matty1uk say's "13 year olds pushing prams from Winn Gardens " knowing all our residents good & bad, I also know we haven't got any 13yr old mums.

However my daughter who is a 23year old mum, is regulary asked for ID as is my son who is 20, we breed them small and fresh faced in our house, it will be an asset when their forty!


Why is it that if any teenager is within a five mile radius of either the tram stop or Netto they come from Winn Gardens, almost all the negative comments about young people hanging around are not actually on Winn Gardens.

All the surrounding areas have children of their own, don't they ever come out ?

Recently trouble investigated by the police turned out to be children from Wadsley Park Village, sadly their parents are in denial and so the problem cannot be tackled as according to them it doesn't exist !


Q If you have friends here. Are they scruffy, dirty drunks with manic teenagers ,who all have tons of grandkids and not a job in sight ??? and you keep visiting !!!

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Good points spider, i see alot of drunk out of their head people come out of winn gardens, the parents give them alco from that shop across from netto, i've seen this with my own 2 eyes.


Fox, i think ur doing a great job at trying to help this situation so please dont take this post aimed at u.


What i've put in all my post is what i see and hear from residents from that estate, i judge peoples attitudes, theres no need to swear and cause trouble in any area.

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