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Fletcher's Fire


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I suppose a many of you have heard about the fire at Fletcher's 16th July 06

very sad indeed but I'm sure there are thousands of employees past and present who have many a memories or tale to tell about there time at Fletcher's

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There must be. Not many people also know that in the first few decades of the century, the founder of the bakery (George Fletcher (senior) ) was a real celebrity all over the city. Not only was the bread famous, but he was a leading trade unionist and amongst other activities, went to London with Sheffield hunger marchers. You can see a picture here:



George is the slightly rotund gent on the right clutching his pipe (EDIT - Ooops, always to the left politically but on the right on this photo!!!)


The biography of George Fletcher was written in the 1950s by Nellie Connolle and is called Leven of Life:


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George Fletcher allegedly set up his own business baking bread because he had become 'unemployable' due to his trade union activities. His greatest achievement [according to his biographers] was getting the inhabitants of the now Hallam area to eat brown bread. Brown bread was previously only eaten by the poor.

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I suppose a many of you have heard about the fire at Fletcher's 16th July 06

very sad indeed but I'm sure there are thousands of employees past and present who have many a memories or tale to tell about there time at Fletcher's

i hav been doing a family history course at walkley now on hols and a man there was a relie of george fletcher.i used to live near as well.we saw the smoke over the hills from town.is it suspicous that was the talk in the playground my kid's I'm not that young!yesterday as they were under threat of redundances??

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I've met his grandson, who lives to the west of town; his grandson is very different to George in terms of politics but seems a nice guy nonetheless!

didn't know much about fletcher but seems an important man so will read his book or internet link to find out more!

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Cheers - oops, my post above contained a minor slip - George is on the right. There are lots of photos of him on Picture Sheffield. He was also imprisoned a few times for his political activities. He was the leading figure of the Communist Party when it was formed in Sheffield, three years after the Bolshevik revolution. You can still read the minutes of the branch, some of which were written in code. George was also on the Board of Guardians in Sheffield and played a leading role on the trades council and around the general strike of 1926.


Fascinating bloke - how on earth he had time to set up a prospering bakery I haven't got a clue.


If I get a chance, I'll type up some bits of the biography and post them online.

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Cheers - oops, my post above contained a minor slip - George is on the right. There are lots of photos of him on Picture Sheffield. He was also imprisoned a few times for his political activities. He was the leading figure of the Communist Party when it was formed in Sheffield, three years after the Bolshevik revolution. You can still read the minutes of the branch, some of which were written in code. George was also on the Board of Guardians in Sheffield and played a leading role on the trades council and around the general strike of 1926.


Fascinating bloke - how on earth he had time to set up a prospering bakery I haven't got a clue.


If I get a chance, I'll type up some bits of the biography and post them online.

very intersting stuff like you say from activist to big bakery owner and must have been a modern employer with all his ideals a lesson for tony blair
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