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Football Cards And Blades V Brum!

Thirsty Relic

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In my youth, on Saturday mornings I'd get together with my mates and choose football teams from our respective card collections (buuble-gum I think) to play each other.  We'd have our first teams etc, then second teams and so on.  We took it seriously, with points for goals and other things that have gone with the mists of time.  Although we kept the cards, if one of us was out  of keepers and another of defenders for example, we'd "loan" players to each other for that week.


Why am I mentioning this?  Well, we've just played Brum without 7 defenders (Ahmedhodzic, Clark, Robinson, Stevens, Lowe, Osborn, and O'Connell).  We put another, Bogle, on the bench who is only just back from a long injury lay-off, and had to play a striker in defence to make the numbers up!  In the meantime, we had 3 fit keepers to choose from, and 6 strikers available.


Now I'm not suggesting anything similar - it's just an odd thought that crossed my mind!



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