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Amazing Sculpture Park In Sheffield!

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I saw the amazing sculptures there a few years ago. I wandered in to get a closer look and was abruptly told to eff off as it was private property.

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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4 hours ago, taxman said:

I saw the amazing sculptures there a few years ago. I wandered in to get a closer look and was abruptly told to eff off as it was private property.

Exactly same response I got when I went in the bottom entrance years ago when it had just opened when out dog-walking. There were no signs anywhere then to say it was private property. Not my cup of tea anyway!

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This place looks fantastic. I'd never heard of it and would love to visit it when I'm next in Sheffield...hopefully after this Covid19 madness is finally over. Disappointing that people trying to visit are being told to "eff off" though.  Surely a sculpture park like this shouldn't be so elitist...and surely a place like Storrs Wood shouldn't be private land, but should be freely accessible to the public.

Edited by nikki-red
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It is indeed fantastic.


Regarding the private land... such land can cost a lot to maintain. Plus I understand they've had problems with vandalism and attempted thefts, etc.


Watch the video and see how Andrew the artist comes across... he is exactly like he comes across on the camera, and is totally genuine. Its for others to make up their mind after watching (and preferably after visiting/meeting the guys there) as to how elitist or not they are.


The woodland is open to the public for regular open days, with lots of activities laid on too; I've been when there has been blacksmiths crafting and doing demonstrations, when there's been Iron Man/superhero statues brought in and placed around, at Halloween they have pumpkin carving and let kids place their efforts in the woodland, etc. They do treasure hunts for kids. I believe Joe Scarborough is due to do art/talks on an upcoming open day (I imagine that will be delayed due to the current situation!).


And of course, the War Memorial/Flood Tribute are accessible from the road and open to the public all the time too.


Anyway, I highly recommend the place on an open day - it very quickly became one of my very favourite places in the city when I discovered it. :) 


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Thank you for the reply deejayone - I watched the video agree with you that Andrew comes across as a very genuine, down-to-earth bloke - and I really admire his talent.


I also totally accept your point that private land can be costly to manage and  maintain - especially if some visitors don't respect the surroundings and commit acts of vandalism/theft etc.  Good to hear that they have regular open days. This is definitely a place I intend to visit as soon as it's possible to do so. 

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