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I hate trampolines

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I didn't like that bear clip at all,worrying about the poor thing now,did it die?

I dont know if there is any useful info for you here,as I cant be bothered to go through it all http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/search.html?searchid=3743329

We got ours 13ft from lxdirect about a year and a half ago,we got a huge a discount voucher for quite a lot off 30% or something.(got the discount voucher of relevant board on the site in the link)I think Its a body sculpture one and I love it.We paid about £180 for it and safety net and delivery.

I can understand people who hate them,we are very lucky and have a huge garden,with fields either side,before neighbours gardens beyond that,and sometimes my kids make so much noise on it I worry about the neighbours!So for terraced back to back gardens it must get a bit irritating for the neighbours.Everyone (normal) likes the sound of happy children,but I'm sure mine aren't the only ones who seem to spend half of the time wrestling and arguing on it!!And it does make a minor noise to go with each bounce.I love it though,but must admit(cant believe I am doing though!) when we first got it,I did nearly accidently wet my pants when I bounced too high,so ladies make sure you do your pelvic floor exercises!And be warned,as a few friends who have had a go admitted to the same thing!

Deffinately get a net though,can be really dangerous without.We have had a pop up tent on ours today( also fantastic,3 man real camping one about £40 in decathalon),nearly slept out in it!but it is not only great for bouncing,its almost like a little room in the garden.

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Back in the good old days when I was young and free and single I did happen to have a shag on one and I fully endorse it.

These things should not be for kids to enjoy but for us grown ups


Not a bad idea, the fluids will give the canvas extra grip!

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