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Is it possible to 'think' a dream?

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On 31/08/2016 at 12:26, PeteMorris said:

Yes I know I have some random thoughts.


But is it possible to 'think' about something when drifting off to sleep, which subsequently 'prompts' a dream on that subject?


I all honesty, I rarely remember the subject of my dreams, or they fade quickly after waking. But as I've got a little older, my dreams seem to get more intense, and I remember a bit more of them. I certainly know if they've been 'nice' dreams or 'awful' ones.


Anyone any thoughts?

Yes it's possible.


It's the way into 'Lucid dreaming' where you can train yourself to control your dreams. Whole books have been written on the subject, but it does take practice. Step one is to take pains to remember the dreams you have. 


Keep a pen and notebook at the side of your bed, and write down anything you remember of your dreams as soon as you wake up, even if it's only little snippets or images. A lot depends on which stage of sleep you wake up at, so waking during the night might produce more than waking at your usual time. With practise you'll start to remember more.


Eventually you'll have some control over what you dream and your actions within the dream. 


Edited by Anna B
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