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Forgemasters Explosion ??

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According to a friend there has been a bid explosion at Forgemasters tonight. Black smoke has been seen and there are ambulances there. Anyone got any info on this??


I went past there about an hour ago, it was quiet.

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I work there, just text a mate who's on nights there and he's not heard anything.


You know it's steelworks don't you? Smoke and the odd loud bang are part of a normal shift, and you can lose count of how many ambulances go past on their way to the NGH.

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Thank you Martss. Hopefully everything is ok and another unfounded rumour is laid to rest.


Honestly some of the Chinese Wispers lately have been rediculous. Have people nothing better to do. Even the Star (a so called Newspaper) made a ding-a-ling of themseves by throwing out a story based on some unnamed source that was not even on the same planet as the true story.


Can one of the mods set up a curtain twitchers forum please.

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The building nearest the Cabrook Hall is the melting shop. Could have been a basket with some wet scrap going into the furnace, that makes a nice bang and brings a bit of dust down, that's if they're melting tonight.


Just to confirm, my mates just text me, security says nothing has happened tonight and no curtains or soft furnishings have been harmed.

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