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Percy Pud 2015 now full!


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T-shirt would be my preference. Not bothered about a medal (they're just more clutter in a drawer). Pudding is a bit better than a medal (at least you can eat it).


Not sure how you'd improve the race. I guess the main issue is the location, it's so congested and there's a lot of people and cars.

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I've done the percypud for last 4 years and shame I missed a place this year. I was just bit late.


Anyone cant make it and want to sell there place please pm me or text me on XXXXXXXXXX


ofcourse Waldo should get before me.




NOTE I have got a last minute place now. So hopefully will be running on this Sunday.

Edited by larryking
No More required a place as I've got a one...
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi All,


Charity places still available for this year's run!!


Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity is the charity partner for this year's Percy Pud 10k. We are delighted to be given charity places for this exciting 10k race and if you are still interested to race we still have 5 places available on a first come first served basis.


The entry fee will come to the charity and we only ask that you raise a minimum of £50 in sponsorship. The money raised will support ground breaking local cancer research and improve treatment and care for thousands of cancer patients in our region.


If interested, don't delay and sign up at http://wphcancercharity.org.uk/percy_pud.html


Thank you

Charity Team


---------- Post added 02-12-2015 at 13:31 ----------


Sorry all places are now taken- thank you for your interest in the charity's work!

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