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Parental software

Su dred head

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Hello eveyone,


I have purchased a new computer and need some decent parental software. I dont trust the advice of the staff at PC World as they seem pretty clueless!


I am a Mum on my own and dont know much about these things. I would just like something thats easy to install and operate.


Thanks for any help.

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One of the best 'paid for' ones has in the past been 'Net Nanny'. If money is tight then using OpenDNS is free - with this you need to sign-up for a free account:




With this, when you login you can set what is available and what is not - they have blanket 'subject' headers e.g., block all religious sites, social media sites and you can also add other sites you specifically don't want young ones to access. After you have made your selections it takes 3 minutes for the changes to take effect.


You will need to add the OpenDNS server addresses in your Router:




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