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Smplayer workround

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I think most players will require a re-write!:




Here you go:




---------- Post added 12-05-2015 at 21:47 ----------


Just received an update to SMTube in Zorin 9 - SMTube has been updated and released but as yet does not have full functionality like the old one - again just to repeat this is down to YouTube changing its format etc. ;-)


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 21:15 ----------


Is this perhaps what you were after?




---------- Post added 19-05-2015 at 23:49 ----------


Found a relatively new GNU/Linux which has a copy of VLC that works with YouTube - Bluestar Linux - even works in Virtual Box on Zorin 9 64-bit! :D



Edited by swarfendor43
update on information
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