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Recommend a wholesaler?

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If you had enough experience to start this kind of business, the chances are that you would already know where the likely sources are. Don't start throwing money at something before you have the relevant experience, otherwise the sharks will eat you alive.

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If you had enough experience to start this kind of business, the chances are that you would already know where the likely sources are. Don't start throwing money at something before you have the relevant experience, otherwise the sharks will eat you alive.


You beat me to it. 100% agree.


To the OP, if you are based in South Yorkshire, go and have a chat with http://www.senta.co.uk/


If you do decide to go ahead, the very best of luck to you.

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  • 1 month later...
Hi im wondering if anyone can help me please,im wanting to start my own business up im wanting to open a womens clothes shop selling shoes,bags clothes maybe mens too.where is the best whole salers to go to please thnx you


The other posters said it already.


It sounds to me like you haven't got the faintest idea what you are going into? Have you done a business plan? however basic? Do you know which area this shop would be situated in and what types of customer it would attract? Young, old, male, female, professional, students? How would you attract customers to the shop? What percentage of sales would be from local trade, transient trade, online orders? etc. etc. etc.? How much would you need to make to break even? Who will manage the company accounts?


It needs a lot of thought and the question about "which wholesaler?" is the very least of your worries. Not trying to put you off doing it - but so many business fail because people start out on a whim or fancy without researching it and thinking it through.

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