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LOST CAT - Hillsborough


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Our 8 month old tabby cat is missing from the Penistone Road area of Hillsborough. He is a house cat so will be very nervous outside. He has a white chest and looks like he has white socks on his back feet. He is also quite small. Please help us find him :help:

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Just been found in hillsborough very light coloured tabby with collar entire male, could you go check face book cats lost missing and found in South yorksire or send me your email to send photo


If you check the Op's website link there is a mob number, might be quicker than waiting for him to check in here.

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Yes it is. It's very sad but unfortunately next doors dogs killed him a couple of weeks ago now.


It was one of the worst things I have ever had to deal with.


He was playing in our back garden with my other cats and our Shih Tzu, the next thing I know our dog was barking.


I ran round to next door but they had already had him. I picked him up and thought maybe he'd be ok but then he was bleeding from his mouth.


He must have had internal bleeding.


I didn't even have time to get to a vets before he passed away.


I got him back home and he passed in his own bed at least.

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