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Lost cat,glencoe Rd. area Now Home

moggie b

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Missing since last night, black n white cat answers to Betsy, glencoe rd,duke st area, she's only 8 months old and not used to being outside, not wearing collar but microchipped, please help me find her x


If she's not used to being outdoors, there's a very good chance she's in hiding not very far away.


You need to check every possible hiding space in your garden and neighbours garden.


Some good tips here-




and, bear in mind that lost inddor cats, when you find them, and out of their territory and generally very frightened- they may well not come to their owner and there is a risk they could bolt when found if things aren't handled well.

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My guess is she'll not be too far away. While it's quiet....try going round the neighborhood with a packet of cat crunchies to rattle & gently call to her. Also...try putting some of her bedding & an item of your clothing that you've worn inside a box outside your home, but put it somewhere close, quiet & safe. The familiar smell might help her find her way back. Also, leaving some of her favorite food near the bedding may help to coax her back, too.

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