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Kilner Way .. under 13s lads destoying pets at home shop

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we are talking about 11/12 year old boys not the cosa nostra,

time for a reality check me thinks :loopy:


My son is only 9, and he got 100% on the NRA's gun ID test, i got 19%. :(

I blame video games, but NEVER underestimate the youth of today.

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we are talking about 11/12 year old boys not the cosa nostra,

time for a reality check me thinks :loopy:


You lose your right to play the, "but I'm only 12 years old" card when you frighten little girls, scare animals, are rude to women and destroy property. Once you start down this road, punishments need to be swift and severe to ensure the anti-social child understands quickly this behaviour is wrong and will not be tolerated. It is not for the football club to fix this problem, it is BAD PARENTING, these boys have been brought up badly to start with. These Jeremy Kyle parents are 100% responsible and should be taken to task over their shoddy efforts. So to the parents of these young thugs I say, get down to the shop and see what your son can do to make amends and how much you need to pay for any damages YOUR child caused. And that's just to start with. GET TO IT!

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You lose your right to play the, "but I'm only 12 years old" card when you frighten little girls, scare animals, are rude to women and destroy property. Once you start down this road, punishments need to be swift and severe to ensure the anti-social child understands quickly this behaviour is wrong and will not be tolerated. It is not for the football club to fix this problem, it is BAD PARENTING, these boys have been brought up badly to start with. These Jeremy Kyle parents are 100% responsible and should be taken to task over their shoddy efforts. So to the parents of these young thugs I say, get down to the shop and see what your son can do to make amends and how much you need to pay for any damages YOUR child caused. And that's just to start with. GET TO IT!


Well said.

Way too many bleeding hearts these days though so don't expect any thanks for your excellent parenting advice. :(

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