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Free virgin tvm+


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Just got a letter from virgin this morning saying they are giving free channels till the end of april,go on there site virgin.com/mplus,

just put your postcode in and your details and they will e/mail you and it will be up and running in abt 4 days time,

as anybody else had this because i cant find were you put your details on there site or any info on this.if you know were it is let us know please.

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I haven't had experience with this - but when any company say 'it's free' - they will get their money back 3 fold over time because they lock you into a contract. Its common sense really - nothing is free otherwise the company would go bankrupt.

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i have read the small print and it say that your package after the free months is reverted back to original package,

i know what you mean as i am the same nothings for free theres always a catch the only thing i can see to enter details is were you have to upgrade,i dont want to upgrade

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i have read the small print and it say that your package after the free months is reverted back to original package,

i know what you mean as i am the same nothings for free theres always a catch the only thing i can see to enter details is were you have to upgrade,i dont want to upgrade


You'll probably have to 'upgrade' to get the additional channels on your package. I had a similar offer years ago with a 2 months free something or other. If I didn't cancel exactly 31 days before the end of the 2 month period, I would have continued to be charged for it.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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