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Disabled man mugged on London Road

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Poor man. I hope he's ok And hope they get caught. It's terrible what happens to people these days!


A few years ago I got something sprayed in my face on London road near the pizza shop Pinocchio's. I couldn't see a thing and my eyes were burning. I was only about 16 at the time. It was a group of 3 Asian men. I was taken to hospital and checked over. Never found out what it was though. The police did nothing dispute a few reports of the same thing happening to other people that night. The police basically tried telling me it was water! Come on I'd have known if it was water !

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In tight nit Muslim communities such as London Road it is only a matter of time before their peers found out who it is and then they'll be dealt with severely, it won't be pretty but is 100% effective.



any explanation for why muggings have been so rife in that area for the past few years then?

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any explanation for why muggings have been so rife in that area for the past few years then?


The amount of hostels and halfway houses in the area has had a big impact on crime in recent years, anecdotally.

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The amount of hostels and halfway houses in the area has had a big impact on crime in recent years, anecdotally.


Maybe it has, but my question was specifically addressing this-


In tight nit Muslim communities such as London Road it is only a matter of time before their peers found out who it is and then they'll be dealt with severely, it won't be pretty but is 100% effective.


i.e. if tight knit muslim communities deal so effectively with criminals within those communities, how come London road and surrounding areas have been rife with muggings in recent years?

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  • 2 weeks later...
What aload of cobblers ,drink ther live there nothing for 45 years has botherd me , have your witts about you ,dont take 200 pound out at 1 am, cmon please get real.


I agree, but it shouldn't be like this. I suppose it's the age we live in, but again it SHOULDN'T have to be this way. We should all be able to walk the streets at night, within reason, and not expect this to happen to us, like what happened to my friend.

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the point is people shouldnt need to worry about going down to the shop or carrying cash on them whatever time it is or area, until people stop being afraid and standing up to these animals it will only get worse.


i hope your friend recovers and luckily thats all that happened as by the sound of it many people have wqanted to start the new year off badly, i only hope karma does what its supposed to ....


Maybe older people (after a mental test) should be able to carry pepper spray to protect themselves from this ferrel scum.

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I don't know and I don't care, what fictional Forest Gump would say!!!


My friend usually takes a taxi and has been told time and time again not to go on London Rd late at night on his own, but that still does not condone what his attackers did to a vulnerable person.


Sadly, we do have to take precautions nowadays, but London Rd appears to be getting VERY bad indeed.


The police need to seriously step things up, because it's getting all out of hand down there.


It looks and feels like a filthy dangerous cesspit 24/7.

At night, the drugged up, insensible workshy crims crawl out of their dirty bedsits to attack those who will work to live.


---------- Post added 20-01-2013 at 20:16 ----------


What aload of cobblers ,drink ther live there nothing for 45 years has botherd me , have your witts about you ,dont take 200 pound out at 1 am, cmon please get real.

How dare you talk like that, a disabled man beaten and robbed by dirty teenage unwashed criminals and you ridicule the victim?

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