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IT career advice needed for a disillusioned graduate


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Thank you. I hope I can sustain myself in this industry too.


To get to the point of where 'people want you', means specialising, right ? At the moment, I still feel that I'm at the early point of my career, and is unsure what to do to sustain it.


I often wonder how people can stay in an industry where its changing so fast, yet not move very much. I know my last boss had to contract and work part-time too, even when she had a baby. She's managed to stay in the industry for the last 20 odd years too. These days, you can get a typical graduate like myself, ten-a-penny.

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I've lived in Sheffield for 20 odd years and worked as an IT contractor / freelance / consultant / permie for all that time either in Sheffield or Leeds. The Leeds commute isn't TOO bad if you live in the north of Sheffield.


My main specialisms are VB / SQL / Oracle or web development, and I've rarely had problems getting contracts. The slackest times were early 2000 and spring 2004, and on each occasion I was off work for maybe a month or so.


Yes, it is possible, but you need to have sellable skills and be willing to accept lower rates than you might get in Leeds / Manchester. Modis is a good agency here in Sheffield, I've also had work through Tec, Hayes, Spring, Rullion, MSB and a few others. Use Jobserve, get your CV out to agencies, etc.


Good Luck.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got back after an extended absence from home and heard this really wonderful story about this lad who decided he wanted to work in IT (he is extremely bright mind), left school, didnt go to Uni and got hired on his 30th application letter by writing to companies based on their post code and its proximity to his home. Result he is working within walking distance from home.

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I lived in South West Sheffield for 14 years since I graduated the first time(except the 15 months in Croydon). I have worked in Dronfield twice, Manchester, Midsomer Norton, Grimsby, and I am currently working near Wakefield. Because it's not easy getting an IT job in Sheffield I have moved to the north of Sheffield for an easier commute.


Companies I can think of are Fretwell Downing, Capita, EDS. Get yourself on jobserve and any other auto emailing joblist you can think of. You only need one job!

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Much of the problem I have had is that I have very specific skills. Not just the language but the package. Really employers are often too keen to get exactly what they had before, or someone who so exactly matches the profile that they will, in fact, be bored. So as my 'cv' shows I have had to move about. The somerset job was a contract. however I worked there for over two years, and it was my longest job. Grimsby was also a contract, through Modis as it happens who were fine.


Psycologically it is easier to work away on a contract than permie, you always think it might end next week. After your first month or so you start to get a build up of money which offsets the possible instability. Do it for long enough and mortgages stop worrying you unless you buy a bigger house of course. You might be able to work 4 long days. I went home early on Friday from the Somerset job and had Wednesday off from Grimsby. BTW top tip Grimsby may be miles away, but barely any one goes there. I took just 1:15 to get there and the same to get back. On the four day week my travelling times were outside of rush hour and as I say the M1,M18,M180,A180 are practically desserted. There are few end-user positions out there.

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