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Rain rescue charity shop - open tomorrow-13th October 2012


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i don't see that anyone finds your question intrusive Irenewilde. There could be many reasons for them having a shop in Sheffield but "only" helping animals from a different locale, shop space being available, potential for footfall traffic or being on a decent bus route for starters. They have wanted to do this for ages and its bloody good on em that their dream is finally becoming a hard fought for reality without naysayers being negative just because of the location of the shop. I could crib about it, I'm 8 months pregnant and practically housebound now but would LOVE to visit. Hub however won't take me up as if he did I'd buy something. Now if it were in Rotherham somewhere I'd be more likely to think up yours and get a taxi to have a look (and I'm sure buy lots)


Not sure where the 'negative' aspect is coming from. I asked a question but I felt that the answer to it was slightly 'prickly' in attitude, particularly the "what do you do in rescue then?" bit . I was a bit taken aback by that. I feel very strongly that Rain Rescue are doing incredible work and I've said so many times on their FB page that I wish more than anything I had more money to give them. I really, really hope that shop is a success, I wanted to volunteer to help them but realised it's just a bit far away for me to get to and from as I work in the middle of the day.

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Sorry Irene - I didn't intend to be negative or upset anyone - we are just often in everyone's firing line - people expect us to be the helper to everything - everywhere - and they don't realise that we are just small - just a few people trying and burning ourselves out - day in and day out. if we had lots of money - of course we would do more.


We don't even have time to put up all that we do. This week - since the shop has been opened we have saved 2 dogs from 1 pound 4 dogs from another pound - helped 2 sets of 2 kittens be neutered and taken in a ex puppy farm dog from another rescue that needed a calm foster home - as well as rehoming 2 of our own dogs. Plus opening the shop - and all that entails, plus all the back-up stuff that goes with it.


There were issues with why we stopped working with Sheffield Council and their strays which we had helped for many years - again it was mostly due to them just taking us for granted and abusing all the hard work we spent trying to help the dogs and save lives. We do still help lots in sheffield - our strays that we help now - are from south yorkshire.


So - I apologise if I have upset you with my reply - i do often get bristly and down under expectations and the whole burden of rescue. Thank you for supporting us in whatever way you can.

Edited by Rainrescue
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Ha Twibstix - we have been getting a lot of things donated to us in Sheffield that we keep laughing and saying 'we need another shop' so you never know - we maybe looking out for one in Rotherham. Gosh didn't realise you were 8 months pregnant - phew - not long now then.

Edited by Rainrescue
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Sorry Irene - I didn't intend to be negative or upset anyone - we are just often in everyone's firing line - people expect us to be the helper to everything - everywhere - and they don't realise that we are just small - just a few people trying and burning ourselves out - day in and day out. if we had lots of money - of course we would do more.

There were issues with why we stopped working with Sheffield Council and their strays which we had helped for many years - again it was mostly due to them just taking us for granted and abusing all the hard work we spent trying to help the dogs and save lives. We do still help lots in sheffield - our strays that we help now - are from south yorkshire.

So - I apologise if I have upset you with my reply - i do often get bristly and down under expectations and the whole burden of rescue. Thank you for supporting us in whatever way you can.


Thank you, that's a really nice apology. I know you're in everyone's firing line, I know you're terribly over worked - I follow your FB page closely. I completely understand why you've stopped working with Sheffield Council for the reasons you state. I'm not surprised you get fed up and you probably thought I was working up to saying something negative about you but I would never do that. I'm sorry if that's what you thought I was going to do.


Now I just need that lottery win instead of my piffling part-time wage.....

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Ha - thanks Irene, I hope so for you too - yes and all that know me - i suppose know that I feel like a battering ram most of the time when trying hard to help - but its really not easy. The thing is- that around south yorkshire - the rescues will soon probably end up going under due to the high volume of animals being dumped - the people running them like ours - just getting burnt out - etc., etc., anyway - we can back on track to our wonderful shop and I've not been in today - just our brilliant volunteers in there sorting and moving and everything - its going really well.


Yesterday we sold lots of things and a pair of settees - today 2 wardrobes that we had picked up - we sell things on at a fair price so hopefully the rescue and local people will benefit.


I really must add here again though that everyone has been so helpful and welcoming up there - its a pleasure to be in without the stress of running the rescue which is what i'm catching up on now and having a break away from paying bills with this. Thanks Irene.

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