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Strange white, trail-less aeroplanes over Sheffield

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I just saw 4 weird aeroplanes flying over Crookes and I wonder if anyone else saw them.


They were pure white, almost like they were paper cut-outs.


They left no vapour trail and were silent.


They seemed to be pretty high in the sky and were travelling about as fast as a regular plane, so they probably weren't gliders.


Anyone else see them or know what they are?


This thread I found describes a similar spotting over Galway in Ireland: http://www.alienexistence.com/index.php?topic=1279.0. Although the ones I saw clearly had wings.


EDIT - By the way I did take pics with my phone but the planes just look like white dots.

Edited by kitsuneyo
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Their appearance alone suggested they weren't ordinary planes. I wish I could've gotten a decent picture. I've seen a lot of planes in the sky and these were different. They moved in a strange way, as if their direction was affected by the wind. They were very bright white. Maybe they were unmanned drones, I don't know. Just wanted to know if anyone else saw them.

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Firstly they were not experimental cold-fusion fighter jets dropping mind-altering chemicals over large UK cities to subdue independently-thinking residents. Secondly, move on this is doesn't concern you.


I thought they were flying around locating all the time wasting kids on their way to meadowhall to eradicate them!!!!! :D

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