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Published a Book?


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Gary I think your website looks fine but I'm not familiar with your genre or how to sell it. You could do some research into other local history type books and what their websites look like. You might find that your other promo stuff sells the book more, like what you're doing with the Rotherham Advertiser.


Have you approached the Waterstones in town? They have a local interest section. You might find that the majority of the books you sell are hard copies.


I think the majority of my readers are going to be American. American teenagers love the genre I write in, so for me it's going to be ebooks. I've sold 4 ebooks on Amazon so far but I've not formally announced the release yet. I'm still waiting for Feed A Read to get the printers ready for the paperbacks.


Ghosthare - it sounds like CreateSpace and Feed A Read. I'm not sure you need to pay for an ISBN though. I got one free at Feed a Read and Smashwords. The only think I've had to pay for at Feed a Read is a distribution cost and some revision costs.


I think Lulu might be cheaper when buying a proof though. It cost me £5.55 for my book with £3 p&p on top! I was a tad miffed about that.

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On kindle:



In paperback:



And since you ask, I did self publish. Since I published first on to kindle and only recently in paperback, there are two different entries. As for the content of the novels, the only difference is that the paperback includes the ISBN number inside, but this is omitted in the kindle version.


One problem I did find was that going via kindle, my initial cover was an upright image with text superimposed. When i went to paperback, I used the Createspace Cover creator and needed a square image (approx 2" square).


I also included the first few pages of a draft of the sequel (with a warning that this was taken from a draft and may not be exactly as in the final version).

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Hi Gary,

You can get it through Createspace which is the cheap option.


Yeah you could go print on demand (either Createspace or Feed a Read) who will assign you a ISBN and get your book into stores. You don't have to buy in bulk then, but they do take a small cut.

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Well, my book is out! The sales have been small but steady, which is encouraging. It's hard to get fiction readers to take a punt on a self published author with one book to their name. Here's the links if anyone is interested!


Paperback UK - http://www.feedaread.com/books/The-Blemished-9781781766675.aspx


Amazon.co.uk - http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Blemished-Trilogy-ebook/dp/B008UP8C52/ref=pd_rhf_...




Amazon.com - http://www.amazon.com/The-Blemished-Trilogy-ebook/dp/B008UP8C52/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top


Smashwords - https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/212950

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