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50 Cent - Bulletproof Game


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Moving this post in another direction I apologise, but I am totally sick of seeing 50 cents face now. His feud with The Game has made the decision of who I like more alot easier.


50 started out real, interesting and his debut album was nothing short of fantastic. Not to mention his unreleased raps/ duets and mixes. Everyone wanted to know about the gangster from Queens NY but now the barrel of this act is running dangerously low.


So what does he do? Makes an average second album, talks about all the money he has and how great life is and totally ignores his roots (Unlike tupac or The Game...yet). To top off his already swollen ego he goes and makes a game of his life story and a film of his lifestory and which actor does he choose?...yep...thats right himself!


Now I love Eminem as an artist and a person and im sure some people will point out he also made 8 mile but at least his image has changed with the times but fundementally never forgot how hard life was pre- slim shady lp.


50 cent is a complete joke and anyone who even remotely compares him to tupac should actually go home and LISTEN to his music not HEAR.


Rant over :D

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