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I Want Internet Explorer when booting up


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I have had a new computer for a few months now with windows7.

I have installed a few programs including SPOTIFY(free music to listen too)

When i boot the computer up,SPOTIFY comes up straight away.

What do i need to do to change that to ITERNET EXPLORER.

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Do you mean it comes up as your homepage or it starts as a program?


If it's first one, then you can to Internet Explorer OPTIONS and change your homepage from there in order to stop SPOTIFY being your homepage.


If second, then go to START, type MSCONFIG and hit enter, will open a small window, from top tabs choose STARTUP and De-Select SPOTIFY on that list,.. it won't bother you again.


Hope it helps..


Hi thanks for your help. Managed to do it by typing SYSTEMS CONFIGURATION

in the search window,clicking the startup tab and deselecting SPOTIFY.

Thank you.

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