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Completely Gutted


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Just got back from a trip to Seahouses and Bamburgh, was hoping to be staying from yesterday Sunday, to Wednesday on a photography, walking, eating, drinking, sightseeing, drinking, photography and a drinking holiday.


Arrived at 2pm, had lunch, we took the dog out to the beach, while looking in the rock pools, Mrs Moses slipped on one of the rocks. She had hurt her hand, it looked quite serious so we went back to the hotel and they called an ambulance. Long story short... Hospital which was over 40 miles away till 1am. Very Very Very expensive Taxi back to the hotel, back to the hospital this morning after xrays and cat scans had to decide to come home for further treatment at NGH.


So no drinks, no sightseeing, not very much walking, and my trusty canon 500d never left the bag.


So the only picture I managed in the chaotic whirlwind visit was this one on my phone, looks like a revisit may be in order:



IMAG0079 by Jonnylard, on Flickr

Edited by holymoses
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