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No Opera in WUBI??


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So, I downloaded WUBI to give Linux a go, & I can't get Opera to open. I downloaded the file but can't open it - just get this message saying there's an error & the file can't be opened.


So, any suggestions? (excluding "Use Firefox" or summmat - I've got Opera set up on Windows & just want to be able to sync with it on Ubuntu). Also, an easy way to access my pics & docs from windows would be gratefully recieved :)

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I've used WUBI in the past to install Ultimate Edition to see how it worked - stopped using it after I read on a later install the interface stated "Warning, using WUBI can affect the performance of your Hard Drive" so I haven't used it since. I would download Gdebi Package Installer Synaptics Package manager, download the Opera .deb file to your Downloads folder inside your /home and right click and select 'open with gdebi package installer' - can't remember if you may have to change properties of the Opera .deb file to run as an executable first - right click .deb package for Properties then on Permissions tab select 'run as executable' - I've slept a lot since I manually installed Opera on Zorin which I am using to write this!

Edited by swarfendor43
loads of typos!
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Thanks - I gave it a go, but after downloading gdebi & Opera & spending half an hour trying to get the thing to open I gave up. Back to Windows. I used to use FF years back but honestly couldn't face the hassle of learning a new OS & re-learning FF & getting it set up how I want. :(

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