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Going back to work

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Hello I'm a single mum and wanting to go back to work full time. Im worried because I will have to pay for all my rent and childcare costs.. I know you can get help for childcare from tax credits. I was wanting to hear from people in the same situation as me.. Paying rent and childcare costs alone.. Do I still get some benefits etc. I'm worried il be left with nothing after paying rent etc. can anyone help me work out how much I will get. I will be working Monday- Friday 9-5. Thanks

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Hi there Valentine91 - I'm a working single Mum with rent to pay. As a rough guide Working Tax Credit pays up to 75% of your childcare costs, if your child is over 3 you get 15 hours a week free anyway.


You then get an allocation of Child Tax Credit but both are dependant upon how much you earn in your job.


I have to say the Child Tax Credit people are really unusually quite helpful so if you give them a call and let them know how much you'll be earning they should be able to give you an indication as to what you'll get.


Hope that helps and good luck!

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Yes you still get child benefit - everyone gets this regardless of income. As for housing benefit - I would doubt it if you're working full time. You may be surprised how much you can get though on Child Tax Credit. It's not easy to keep the finances juggled but if working is important to you then it's definitely do-able.

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Thank you. My daughter is 1 so I will be paying for her. I will give them a call. Think and see what they say. Will I still get child benefit for her aswel.


All parents get child benefit at present. I think it is £ 20.30 per week.

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