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Curry house with worse toilets ever!


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Visited a well known city centre curry house last night. Meal was fine but then I had need to visit the loo all I can say is that I won't be going there again as I firmly believe that a clean loo = clean kitchen. This particular restaurant recently moved premises I think around September last year. Toilets in last building weren't very good either but gave them a bit of lee way on this but would have thought brand new restauraunt would need lots of income and therefore cleanliness would be a number one priority but apparently not!


Luckily not suffered any ill effects from the food but won't be chancing it again!

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I'm guessing Butlers Balti.....The toilets in the old place were always interesting, for want of a better word.


I've been to the new place once, but I can't recall toilets, just getting lost trying to find them.





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