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Anti-social behaviour in Sheffield getting worse

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Anyone seen movie "Harry Brown". He will solve it.


Antisocial behaviour is going to increase and get worse and worse.

It fills the gap that has been created by changes of modern society.


What changes?

Violent television. Advertising. Media encouraging unnatural egoistic behaviour on all sides. Computergames.

Unemployment, what took 10 people can now be done by one with machine.

Boredom, what used to take a hour in past can be done in 10 min now with modern developments.

Church used to scare people and keep them social and imprissoned with lies and fear.

People have dropped the church, thats very good but they have not yet found their own individual freedom yet. Still hoard together and imitate each other in gangs, scared to be alone as individual and really free for a happy life.


The very soil of society has changed enourmesly. Entertainment, communication, expectations, religion.

Anti Social Increase is a by product of this soil change.


If anyone dont like it get a timemachine and go to the past.


Law, gun to head mentality, lock them up, big fines. Be surprised, very surprised.

Nature will find its ways to recreate balance when humans mess with it.

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Anyone seen movie "Harry Brown". He will solve it.


Antisocial behaviour is going to increase and get worse and worse.

It fills the gap that has been created by changes of modern society.


What changes?

Violent television. Advertising. Media encouraging unnatural egoistic behaviour on all sides. Computergames.

Unemployment, what took 10 people can now be done by one with machine.

Boredom, what used to take a hour in past can be done in 10 min now with modern developments.

Church used to scare people and keep them social and imprissoned with lies and fear.

People have dropped the church, thats very good but they have not yet found their own individual freedom yet. Still hoard together and imitate each other in gangs, scared to be alone as individual and really free for a happy life.


The very soil of society has changed enourmesly. Entertainment, communication, expectations, religion.

Anti Social Increase is a by product of this soil change.


If anyone dont like it get a timemachine and go to the past.


Law, gun to head mentality, lock them up, big fines. Be surprised, very surprised.

Nature will find its ways to recreate balance when humans mess with it.



Thank you.

You are absolutely correct in your analysis of many of the reasons why society has been reducing on a downward spiral to where we are now and it is continuing downwards. Please keep contributing, I enjoy your comments

Edited by mistyblue
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There's been a lot of well-throughout post on this thread, but I feel that the only real answer to all of them is discipline! The kind of discipline we had back in the 40's-50's, we had to tow the line or cop the consequences from all corners; ie the neighbours would give you a crack then take you home to get another from your parents! The local bobby would take his belt to you, and you wouldn't dare tell your folks or you'd get another dose, everyone used to keep the kids in order, priests, teachers, scout leaders, shop-keepers, you name them they were always alert to any kid trying to run the show and quickly closed them down! There wasn't much work around my town we were lucky to get an apprenticeship before we were finally stuck in the forces to do our national service!


Many others have made comments such as yours including “my dad would have thrashed me if I did this or that in the 1950s” and so on. These comments refer to the moral understanding we once had which has now been virtually destroyed. Religion played a big part in that and whilst modern thinking has replaced organised religion for most in this country and there is nothing wrong with moving on to new concepts and beliefs; nothing has replaced the moral code which religion created and in the wake of its demise an anything goes attitude has taken over.


Before I go any further I must state that there is no excuse for anti-social behaviour and there are many people who are on the lowest level, with parents who also were who would never commit acts of ASB. Nothing excuses crime – nothing; there is no excuse, simple as that but we can't just turn back the clock to a past era, we need to move forward with fresh ideas.


We need a new creed, a new moral code fit for the 21st century; something in the style of the 10 commandments but modernised and not based on religious participation but a code which everyone could appreciated and subscribe to.

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Thanks for your comment and for others who have raised the question of local politics. I am not saying you are wrong, it is all part of the wider debate. Sheffield council control has, however fluctuated in recent years between Labour, Lib Dem (just ousted by Labour) and No Overall Control, so 3 regimes if you like. It is probably accepted that the Tories are unlikely to get in here.


The problem from where I am sitting is that none of the mainstream political parties appear to have the will to turn around the problem of anti-social behaviour in any significant way. They do make moves but since the problem is growing and getting worse, the policing needs ramping up. It is one of the most serious and damaging crimes in our society, leaving whole neighbourhoods of people who live alone and the elderly for example, unable to go out, even in the daytime for fear of it. This is even more serious since many of them rely on their food being delivered - ordering on-line. Recently it was hinted that one major Supermarket company was considering ceasing operations in a certain post code in this City due to attacks on its vans and theft. If that were to happen and all companies ceased, a whole lot of people would be left isolated and with problems getting food. Note that many blind people no longer use assistance to get food and have gone over to these on-line deliveries.


When we reach this level it is seriously time to ramp up the action against those who commit these vile crimes. Sheffield does not want these people who commit these crimes here and we should make that very clear and state it very loudly


When we reach this level we have been completely, totally and utterly failed by the government and local agencies who soak up vast amounts of tax payers money on the pretext of providing us with a safe environment. Instead of saying we don't want criminals here we should be saying we want those agencies to do what we are paying them to do. If they can't or won't do it we'll get rid of them and their political masters.


As far as a creed goes I think you are very naive. Action, not words, is what we need and the only "creed" the criminal element understand is money. That is the only way to change their attitude. All kids get child benefit paid to a parent. If the kids misbehave the child benefit gets cut. Once they are above child benefit age the tax system can be used to penalise the parents. NO Education = No Benefits. Slowly they will get the message that bad behaviour costs them money. ASBOs are pathetic pieces of paper that are a badge of honour, not a deterrant.

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When we reach this level we have been completely, totally and utterly failed by the government and local agencies who soak up vast amounts of tax payers money on the pretext of providing us with a safe environment. Instead of saying we don't want criminals here we should be saying we want those agencies to do what we are paying them to do. If they can't or won't do it we'll get rid of them and their political masters.


As far as a creed goes I think you are very naive. Action, not words, is what we need and the only "creed" the criminal element understand is money. That is the only way to change their attitude. All kids get child benefit paid to a parent. If the kids misbehave the child benefit gets cut. Once they are above child benefit age the tax system can be used to penalise the parents. NO Education = No Benefits. Slowly they will get the message that bad behaviour costs them money. ASBOs are pathetic pieces of paper that are a badge of honour, not a deterrant.


Thank you. It is good have constructive input into the debate.


I have made suggestions and I am glad to see others like jim making positive suggestions.

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Your detailed analysis of the law is a useful reference. I would observe that every potential action against such law breaking requires an intervention by public services whether it is courts, police, schools or youth offending teams. They can take action. The operatve word there is "can". The point is they don't. They have been handed powers under the law but they don't use them. You or I would do something but the law does not allow us to. The public services in Doncaster are only tackling ASB because the mayor has told them to. They wouldn't do it otherwise. It's not going to happen in Sheff because politicians in troubled areas are secure in their cosy council chambers. They'll only do something you threaten to kick them out.


Do you not think it is also a national government issue?

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It appears that we the ordinary people of Britain can't object to all or anything our 2 faced political leaders deem is to happen, or happens. They, the politicians are nothing short of lying traitors to the indigenous people, they will do as the bloody-well want; at all times end of!


This country, one of the greatest in the western world is rapidly being turned into a 3rd world hell-hole daily, by a bunch of clever get rich, political gangsters; with no shame whats-so-ever and certainly no loyalty to us Brits!


When we were kids in the north east of England, families didn't have 2 half-pennys to rub together, but there was very little crime-n-violence that I can recall, although many of the kids had lost their dads during the conflict, me too! Our mothers were paid by the parish, our boots-n-clothing coming from the shelves of the soldiers-n-sailors charities, with our meals consisting of peas pudding or dripping stottie cake; us kids knew how it felt to live in the greatest country ever.


Unfortunately for us NOW, these political traitors (Many never went through what we went through) stood by or took part in the brainwashing of this nation's population, in order to feather their own nests and threw open the borders, allowing the worlds cess-pits to flood into Britain, no matter what their health condition or mental outlook on life was, whilst many Brits have become innocent obeying Zombies; allowing these millionair gangsters a free-hand over our freedoms gained by our forefathers sacrifices!

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Serious anti social behaviour takes place mainly in Labour areas, could the reason be that they're not tackling it properly be because places that have little or no anti social behaviour problems are very condusive places for the entrepreneurialist spirit to flourish? small independant shops, news agents and butchers etc would sprout up everywhere in local communities, instead of supermarkets, Spar shops and Co op's etc.

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He, police yorkshire is reducing 150 officers and crime is up 6%.

150 jobs gone. Lots of places are reducing and cutting.


Nice day today, sunshine warmer weather and ripe blackberry's. Completely forgot about idiotic social expectations. Live is too beautiful to become a social mental idiot.

Flowers and butterflies are more valuable than a government.


mystyblue wrote:

"We will be kind to all others

We will be kind to animals and the planet we all share.

We are all good at heart and we believe in our future."


I totally agree with you. Have to ask you, why are you so nasty, judgmental to other humans behaving like animals when you will be kind to them and good at heart?

Edited by dutch
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He, police yorkshire is reducing 150 officers and crime is up 6%.

150 jobs gone. Lots of places are reducing and cutting.


Nice day today, sunshine warmer weather and ripe blackberry's. Completely forgot about idiotic social expectations. Live is too beautiful to become a social mental idiot.

Flowers and butterflies are more valuable than a government.


mystyblue wrote:

"We will be kind to all others

We will be kind to animals and the planet we all share.

We are all good at heart and we believe in our future."


I totally agree with you. Have to ask you, why are you so nasty, judgmental to other humans behaving like animals when you will be kind to them and good at heart?


dutch, my dear,


I am not 'nasty to other humans' as you claim. If I have sounded 'nasty' it has been directed at anti-social behaviour louts and criminals, not decent ordinary human beings of which I am one.


Do bear in mind dearest dutch, that I love your postings on this thread, even though I cannot always agree with you. Bear in mind also that I have been a victim of some serious anti-social behaviour in this city 3 times and had to move twice as a result of it. It left me for a while emotionally scarred and distressed, in fact I needed help at the time, so do forgive me if I have sounded a teeny bit nasty towards these vile anti-social yobs that come out of the woodwork a little too often than is desired okay.


my kindness and thoughtfulness to you, please keep contributing to the thread.

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