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Any Orange mobile phone users in city centre?

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How's your signal? I've noticed now for a few weeks that the signal on my Orange phone is not as good as it was, and I'm suffering more dropped calls as a result. 3g signal also next to non-existent at the moment.


Just interested to see if this is a problem with my phone, or a problem with other Orange users.

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Wait. It's not your phone. I'm at my mtes house, all 3 of us are with orange and we were having this very convo! My friends rung orange about this. Just orange masts are fine. But orange and virgin masts have an issue. Which is why some areas are unaffected and some have 3G death. She's been told to go 2g for perfect signal, albeit slow internet connections.

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i have also been with Orange since 1999 i think. (except for one year i went to t-mob back in the day when their signal was garbage) and I've never had a problem with signal untl recently. But for me, i can still make calls and never drop out, and can still connect to 2G or 3G internet... its just not as good as i was. (although might be experiencing some missed calls that dont ring but when that has happened ive been out in the garden, but i would have thought i heard it, but quite possibly not). but something to do with virgin media on the masts and making Orange go funny.


Although Virgin use t-mobile, so surely its a t-mobile problem.. but then shouldnt we be on Orange-T-mob half the time then? It confuses me a bit, and I'm a phone geek! But apparently its happened in 5 other places, so 6 places in total.


I'll find out more.

Edited by hannahp85
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I'm not sure if it works the same the other way, but I had to register to use Orange signals with my Tmobile phone. Now a lot of the time my phone shows I have Orange signal, rather than Tmobile.


If you do have to register to do so, have you all tried that? x

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